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1. What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?

That would have to be when I dreamt of my friend's boyfriend breaking up with her and then going out with me and telling my best friend about the dream within a dream.

2. If you ever met your favorite YouTuber, would you fangirl?

Hell yeah I'll fangirl. They're famous throughout the YouTube community plus who wouldn't.

3. Favorite fictional character?

Have to be Harry Potter

4. Nintendo or Sega?

Is that even a question? Nintendo, duh

5. If you can change anything about yourself, what would you change?

My hair color. Goodbye brown and hello hair that's white but turns pink midway.

6. Sans or Papyrus?


7. Do you think you are funny or punny?


8. Pancakes or waffles?

I eat pancakes more so screw waffles

9. The best book you ever read?

Too hard a question. I'll have to say Dairy of a Wimpy Kid

10. Fill in the blank. "Super_____"

"Super G.O.D.S"  G=girls O=of  D=different S=superpowers

11. Favorite color?

It's red but I also like to say it's black

12. Favorite band?

I've gone through so many bands. One direction and 5sos are out of the picture so I only listen to their songs. The Fray are my favorite right now

13. Who are you and what is your purpose?

I'm a wandering soul that takes physical from and is looking for my other half that died with me when I was still human and alive

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