What, One Night? 5

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"The children just need good role models to set them on the right path" Henry says

"Yes, I agr--, excuse me for a second" ivy walks over to jacob as he's getting his Cup Of Coffee "Hey Baby"

Jacob looks around "Baby?" Jacob says looking confused

"You silly" Ivy wraps her arms around him,

"Whoa" jacob puts down the coffee cup and gets her off him "what are you doing?"

"Why are you acting weird?" Ivy ask

"Why are you on me?, why are you standing beside right now?, shouldn't you be preparing your class or something, Geez" jacob fixes his tie

Ivy Gasps "what about last night, what we did" ivy says

"Last Night, Was Just A One Night Stand, ONE NIGHT" jacob makes it clear

"What, One Night?" Ivy says lost

"Goodbye" jacob walks out of the teachers courtiers and to his Hall where he teaches

"J-Ja--" Ivy stands there with tears in her eyes

"Are You Okay?, Ivy" Henry ask concerned

Ivy wipes her eyes "Yeah, I'm good" ivy walks out of teachers courtiers


I swear Chicks get to attached,

"Hey Jacob" Aaliyah smiles at him


Jacob and Aaliyah talk a little longer until Ivy Shows Up

"She's trying to steal your Man!, what are you gonna do about that!!?" The Domaint voices says to ivy

"So this is how it is Aaliyah?"Ivy says squinting her eyes at her


"Your trying to steal my Man Bitch!, Aren't You?!" Ivy gets in her face

"Ivy you better back out of my face, because I have no clue on what your talking about" Aaliyah says

"Your a gold digging ass slut, trying to steal my man, bitch he doesn't want you!" Ivy screams in Aaliyah face

"Chill Ivy" jacob backs her up

"What are you doing with her?, are you leaving me?!" Ivy yells making a scene

"What are you talking about" jacob says through gritted teeth quietly

"We just fucked and your leaving me, No Jacob that's not happening!"

"I ca--" Aaliyah gets cut off by ivy

"You bitch you better shut up, you whore!, what did you do fuck him in the bathroom?, do you see what your doing to Our Relationship?!" Ivy

"We don't have a relationship!" Jacob semi yells

"Ivy your Crazy!" Aaliyah turns around her attempts to walk away, ivy grabs her curly hair and drags her down to the ground, rapidly punching her, Aaliyah's screams fill the halls as all the teachers are gathered around them now

The principal and jacob break up the fight

"Oh My God" Helen says flabbergasted "Ivy what have you done" Helen looks at the blood on her outfit and hands

"Get her away from me!!" Aaliyah screams

"What is the cause of this?!" The Principal belows

"Tell Them Jacob!" Ivy says angry

"Ivy went Balicstick on Aaliyah Because........"

"Because he's cheat on me with her!" Ivy says

"Ms,Burns take The day off" the principal says

"Okay, that's how it is, what ever" ivy storms away


I walked out the building heated, then I spotted Jacobs car, I walked over to it and just looked, then I stuck my hand through his window and unlocked his car, then got in, I looked at his ash tray and Seen a ring, I picked it up and it Read 'J & L M4L'

"He's, He's, He's Married?!" Ivy starts breathing heavy as tears form in her eyes again making her vision blurry "No!" Ivy throws the ring back in his ash tray and scrambles through his stuff more finding Family Photes "No" flips through another picture "No" flips through another "NO!!!!!" She throws the pictures everywhere "No!!, No!, No, why god?!, why are you doing this to me" Ivy scream crying her eyes out she looks at the ground and sees a picture of his Son Tyson, she picks it up and tucks it in her pocket, so with Jacob's House Address


What, One Night? -a mindless behavior Jacob Perez storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن