Wait i have 2 sisters?!?

43 3 2

Macy:Kai breath !

Kai:*breathing hard* I-I-I-I-....

Macy:*cracks Kai back*


Macy:oops sorry...now,what were you gonna say to me?


Jay:*walks by texting Lila* he wants you to be his girlfriend....T_T

Macy:wait really Kai?

Kai:*nods head in saying yes it's true*


Kai:it's ok if you say no-mhp!

Macy:*kissed Kai*yea sure

Kai:*kisses her back* yes!

Macy:Kai ...


Macy:who's sage?

Kai:a friend of mine...

-----next morning----

Kai:huh?*gets up and stretches*yea jay?

Jay:why is Macy in you room and bed with your shorts?!?

Kai:she's in my room cause you didn't want her to stay in your room and she's in my shorts cause she doesn't have anything comfortable to wear,so I gave her one of my shorts....

Jay:but-but-but still!

Kai:what want her to sleep in your room?

Jay:uh.....yea sure....

Kai:well no...

Jay:what why not?!

Kai:first of all she's my girlfriend-

Jay:wait what she said yes?!

Kai:yea, she said yes...

Jay:oh boy....

-----group chat----

\\yea I know I said that Lloyd was in a crib witch means that he's a baby but now he's 14 so he has a phone and he will be in eluded in this group chat...//

Kai:hi babe

Macy:what did I say about you calling me babe?

---Lloyd has entered group chat--
Lloyd:ah Kai...

Kai:yea Lloyd?

Lloyd:sage just texted me and said that she's gonna visit at 7:30....

--cole has entered the group chat-

cole:uh guys she's in my car right now so get ready....


--everyone has left group chat--

Sage:I'm back*gasp*lloyd your so big!*gasp and stares at Macy*


Sage:your my sister

Macy: no  not possible I was raised by a bunch of cats...

Lloyd: that's sad....

Kai: *puts arm around macy* it's ok we're your family now....

Sage:  But it's true, you are my sister

Macy: no, maybe I look like a sister you have...

Sage: Nope, you are my sister...why won't you believe me?

Macy: cause I lost my family when I was 2 years old.... I never saw them again...

Sage: *takes out a picture of them* That's you right there...

Macy: * takes picture  an looks at it for a while* omg...* hugs her tight*

Sage: *hugs her back* I told you 

Macy: * looks at picture again* who's that?

Sage: That's our family

Macy: * points to Cindy * and that?

Sage: that's our sister, older sister

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