Trouble in paradise

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Bella's pov

So today we are celebrating my first birthday and I am so excited. I just walked downstairs and Esme and Alice really made it look beautiful. So we are having a small party that includes the Cullens and the pack. Yes I know what your think they are letting the pack onto their territory yes they are it took a lot of convincing but Carlisle finnaly agreed. The pack just arrived and they are having me open gifts Carlisle got me a book, Esme got me a new blanket, Jasper got me a civil war painting,Alice got me a new wardrobe (shocker there),Rosalie got me a braclet, Emmett being Emmett got me a ton of new toys Edward got me a necklace that on one side it had a b one side had an e and it was shipped as a heart the pack gave me homemade braclets. So I just finished opening my presents when there was a knock at the door so esme answered it and there were three beautiful blonde girls one brunette girl and one brunette boy they introduced them as the Denalies and they we're our cousins.

I don't know what else to write but here is an update don't expect them often as I am in Oklahoma rehearsals every day but I will try leave any suggestions you have and yeah bye for now but not forever-Harvest
And p.s the picture is a replie on a comment saying gay people make me sick and what I responded with and what someone responded to me with.

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