not a sound

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Taehyung is always listening.

No matter what, he listens.

The reason why?

He's scared.

He's scared to lose him again.

Yoongi isn't the same anymore.

After the accident, he'd become


so so quiet.

Not a sound escaped his lips

not when he laughs

or gets scared

or even when he reaches out to Taehyung.


Not a sound.

In return, Taehyung listens.

He keeps his ear out just for when Yoongi talks again.

Taehyung expects it to be raspy and weird sounding-

he hadn't been talking for years.

Taehyung also expects that when Yoongi talks, it would be when Yoongi needed him the most.

Maybe it's when Yoongi is in danger.

Maybe it's when Yoongi is hurt.

Maybe it's when Yoongi gets fed up and shouts for Taehyung so he would listen.


What Taehyung didn't expect was when Yoongi out of the blue disappears.

Not a sound was made

An easy jump that ended his life in a long drawn out hour.

Oh how Taehyung hated the sound of Yoongi's body hitting the pavement floor.

Hated it when he runs down the stairs to where Yoongi laid.

Hated it when Yoongi grips Taehyung's hand, eyes shutting slowly.

Oh how Taehyung hated the sound of Yoongi's voice,

raspy and groggy and empty

"i'm sorry"

Oh how Taehyung hated the sound of Yoongi's last breath

and the sound of people screaming

and the sirens that just seemed dull.

Taehyung always listens to everything,

but he wish he couldn't.

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