For Celestia

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Chapter One:

" Aren't you excited about finding out what Princess Luna wants to see you for Dashie? " The excited Pinkie Pie asked.

All of Rainbow's five friends and her were catching the train from Ponyville to Canterlot on Princess Luna's order. Ever since Princess Celestia had sacrificed herself for Luna, the midnight blue pony had been the ruler of Equestria, day and night. Everypony had suffered the loss of their beloved Princess, especially Twilight Sparkle and Luna. One Summer's day she was there, fighting to save Luna and the next she was gone. Everypony knew that if the Princess had not sacrificed herself both of the Royal Pony Sisters would of died. Everypony thought of this as the train rushed on. Fluttershy was first to break the sad silence.

" So Twilight, how has Princess Luna's lessons been going? " Fluttershy asked quietly.

Twilight looked up at the pale yellow pony's face and sniffled.

" I have learnt much from Luna and her story on what it was like in the moon is quite fascinating. " Twilight said summoning a smile.

Fluttershy nodded and smiled at her friend. Rainbow frowned and looked to her left. Applejack was sitting there talking to Rarity. ' Probably bout how dirty applebucking is. ' She thought. Rainbow looked to her right and found herself staring into a pair of piercing blue eyes. ' Oh god. ' Rainbow sighed.

" You didn't answer my question Dashie, are you excited? " Pinkie said happily.

Rainbow nodded and looked out the window, they were almost there. The sky was flashing near the castle and instantly drew Rainbow's attention towards it. The Wonderbolts!! Rainbow knew that they were performing today in honor of none other then herself! Rainbow Dash did a sonic rainboom when she heard the news. It would be like Princess Luna making a party for Pinkie, a animal parade for Fluttershy, a fashion show for Rarity held by Fancypants, a magic convention for Twilight or a applebucking day for AJ. Rainbow's spirit suddenly picked up and she couldn't wait to get to Canterlot.

" Hey RD, ain't the Wonderbolts performing in honor of you today? " Applejack asked enthusiastically.

Rainbow turned her smiling face towards Applejack and was about to talk when Rarity interrupted.

" Oh Darling, watch your smile, you might get smile lines. " Rarity said disgustedly.

Rwinbow's smile thinned and she turned back to AJ.

" Yeah, isn't it awesome! " Rainbow yelled as she jumped into the air.

Pinkie started jumping up and down as she pointed out the window.

" We are in Canterlot! " She yelled at the top of her lungs.

The six ponies cheered and trotted single file out of the carrige. Rainbow gasped at the newly decorated castle and stood next to her laughing friends.

" Hey Dash, they decorated the castle with, well, you. " Rarity pointed out as they trotted through the castle's courtyard.

Rainbow came to an abrupt halt and stared at the entrance of the castle. A big banner that said

' Go Rainbow Dash! '

was strung across the castle door, held by rainbow bows.

" It's good to see you all have arrived safely. "

The six ponies swiftly turned around and came face to face with ther beloved ruler.

" Princess Luna! " The six ponies gasped as they bowed with their muzzles grazing the bouncy grass.

One by one Luna walked up the the mares, hugging them and having a small talk before going on to the next pony.

" So Luna, why am I here exactly? " Rainbow asked as the seven mares made their way into the castle's library.

Luna walked on for a few moments before opened one of the deep brown doors that led to the library.

" Now before I tell you what you have to do I will send you a mind vision. " Luna said and the seven ponies sat down in the library's den.

Images flashed before Rainbow's eyes. Celestia, Luna, fillies, Starswitch, the Princess's Parents and finally the Moonshield.

" I needed a pony that is brave, strong and most of all loyal to Equestria. The human world can be very, alluring. Since I have been raising the moon for over three thousand years and now I have to raise the sun I need the Moonshield so I can unite both Moon and Sun Shield to make the Luna Eclipse Shield. " Luna said in a very nervous voice.

Rainbow Dash suddenly felt sorry for the Princess standing before her, realizing how much pressure and sadness the mare was experiencing.

" Rainbow Dash is ready to help Princess! " Rainbow said in a brave voice.

Inside Rainbow was as scared as she had ever been before. Nopony had ever been to the human world and now her, Rainbow Dash was going to do be going down in history.

" Dashie!, no don't leave! " Pinkie yelled as Rainbow walked slowly towards the mirror Princess Luna had led out, the path to the human world.

Suddenly the doors smashed open and all three of the main Wonderbolt stepped inside the library!

" Spitfire, Soarin and Fleetfoot, what are you doing here!? " The Princess yelled.

" We are so sorry Princess Luna, but we just had to watch Rainbow Dash do something so daring. For you, for Equestria, for Celestia! " Spitfire yelled above the roaring of the portal.

That was it, at the mention of Celestia's name Luna broke down. She collapsed to the ground in tears. Twilight couldn't hold it eaither, nor Pinkie, Rarity or Fluttershy. Applejack shook the hands of the Wonderbolts and then ran over to help Luna. Soarin looked lost for words as he watched Rainbow's reaction to everypony. Rainbow screwed her face up and tried but she couldn't hold it anymore, for the first time in 4 years Rainbow Dash cried. Soarin watched in misery. He had secretly had a crush on the beautiful cyan mare standing infront of him. He couldn't stand to see her hurting and secretly he wasn't going to let her go into that portal by herself.

" Do it for Equestria Rainbow. " Luna said as she pulled herself together.

Rainbow looked back at all the concerned faces and as quick as a flash jumped into the portal.

" SOARIN!!! " Spitfire yelled.

But it was to late. Soarin had jumped in after his love and had been taken to the human world.

" For Celestia. " Twilight whispered as the eight ponies walked out of the library.

( The vision Luna sent Rainbow Dash will be a whole different story. Sorry the chapters are so short. chestnut_somer )

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