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Name: Umbra Garroway.
Name Meaning: Shade/shadow, Latin origin.
Nickname(s): Bree, pigeon.
Meaning/Reason: None.
Ethnicity: Caucasian.
Birthplace: Portsmouth, England.
Places Lived: Portsmouth, London, Brooklyn.
Current Residence: Brooklyn.
Birthday: 23rd of February.
Age: 19.
Species: Downworlder, Lycanthrope.

Hair: Black.
Eyes: Grey.
Skin tone: Dilute.
Height: 5'4.
Weight: 101 pounds.
Build: Average.
Clothing style: Slouchy.
Accessories: Golden necklace representing a hooked claw shape, used as a last resort weapon.
Piercings/Tattoos(non-rune kind)/Scars: Scar across her lip corner, a tattoo of an eclipse between her shoulder blades.

Mother: Unknown.
Father: Adopted, Luke Garroway.
Sibling(s): Unknown.
Other Important Relatives: Unknown.
Familial Symbol: A single line through a crescent moon.
Closest Friends: Simon, Clary and Magnus.
Enemies: Many mutual dislikes.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None.
Crush: None.
Past Relationship(s): None.

Positive Traits: Calm, observant and quiet.
Flaws: Hotheaded, stern and cold.
Good Habits: Defends family, and those close to family even when unnecessary. Tends to be overprotective of Clary.
Bad Habits: Unnecessary risks of death upon impulse.
Likes: Cold breezes, sleeping and food.
Dislikes: Being active without reason, persistence.
Hobbies: Reading, sorting through different books in the library.
Fear(s): Being unable to defend those that are dearest to her, heights, and large water mass.

Food: Potato Crisp.
Drink: Water.
Colour: Bronze.
Season: Autumn.
Scent: Anything warm.
Music: Rock, jazz, reggae.
Time of day: Mid afternoon.
Movie: Bridge to Terrabitha.

Been training for: Defence causes.
Weapon: Her necklace, teeth or claws.
Style: Slow, yet precise.
Strengths: Physical strength, sharp eye.
Weaknesses: Slow.
Favoured rune(s): Healing Iratze.
Parabati(if any): Robyn.

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