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          Once upon a time there lived 2 beautiful children, twins, actually. They were spritely, blonde, ecstatic children. 

         First, was Seraphina. She was going to grow up and be a wonderful young thing, though only 15 now, she was thin, blue eyed, and beautiful. Her blonde hair fell mid-back, practically platinum and shining. Thin fingers, perfect nail shape. From the arch of her back to the swing of her hips, even at 15 she was... Perfect. Practically made up. A phenomenal sight that you'd think only the Gods and Goddesses possessed. Her voice was like melted chocolate, dripping every word, making you want to listen to every syllable, but if you looked her in the eyes, you could see there shining cool bright blue. Making you want to look away, though you just... Can't.

         Next, of course, her brother. Avrum. Also a perfect specimen, tall, muscular, when you think male model, you think Avrum. He's athletically built, but prefers academics. Pale skin, perfect teeth, dark green eyes that brought girls and guys around from miles. Not to interact with this boy, but to... Watch. 

          Needless to say, when they were together, there was nothing to be done. Their smiles shone so brightly the blind could see, their combined glance could stop a train in it's tracks if they chose. Through all of this, though, they were great people. They talked to everyone, no one excluded. They're grades put everyone in the school to shame. They did charity on the weekends. They woke up at 6:30 every day simply because an hour of sun spent sleeping is an hour gone to waste. They lived every moment to it's fullest. 

          Perfect. They were perfect.


          I screamed. Out of all the thing I could have done went I woke up in this dark, dank room, I looked my brother dead in the eye and screamed. What a loser. What if we had been in immediate danger? In someones house? I should have stayed quiet. 

          "Phina!" Avrum yelled at me "Phina, calm down, you're okay. ssshhh, no screaming, we don't know where we are, Phina, Calm down."

          I took a deep breathe, blinking slowly, and hugging my brother. "Avrum... Ave, where are we?"

          "Underground? I feel like we're underground, it look like we're underground, but... Look."

          I could see mostly dirt. It was an averaged sized room, probably the size of our bedrooms at home. Only one thing really seemed out of the ordinary... The door. It was probably 10 feet tall, and half as wide. Made of shiny metal, the cleanliness was stark in comparison to the dirt that surrounded it.

          "Well... open it!" I said.

         "No! We don't know what's on the other side, it could be a murder! or robots! or a giant spider! Or.. Or... A giant murdering spider-bot!"

          "You sure are stupid for a genius... You're lucky I love you."

          "Please, Phina, this isn't a good idea."

          His tone was pleading, and I almost listened. The door had to be opened though. There was no other way to escape. So, I stood up and walked towards the door. The handle was about chest high on me, and I laid my hand on it lightly. It was cold, but the air around me felt hot. Where are we? Is it going to be cold outside of the door? Should I open it? I turned the handle and a hissing noise filled the room. Avrum stood up and collected himself.

          On the other side of the door was... Nothing. Well, not nothing. Hallways. Long, empty looking hallways. 

          "Whoa..." I whispered. I stared at all the halls, which were varying degrees of grey and black. There we're 5, each with a number above them that didn't seem to have any order to them . "12, 16, 34, 10, and 2... What do you think they mean?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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