Seijuro Mikoshiba X Reader

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Seijuro Mikoshiba:
You tapped the tall, bright red, tousled, slicked back haired boy on the shoulder causing him to turn around.

"Ohaiyogosaimasu! Is (Older Brother's name) here?" You were visiting your older Brother and since he was not in his dorm, you suspected he might be Swimming.
"Eh?!" Seijuro was definitely not expecting a girl to talk to him, considering the fact that this was a male school.

"Sumimasen! Was I disturbing you? Sumimasen!" You apologised, bowing repeatedly.
"Oh no! Not at all, um, (older brother's name) should be Swimming in the third lane." Seijuro broke away from his trance and quickly answered you, a little flustered at the thought of you catching him stare at you.

Seijuro would not deny it, you were cute, not just cute but also gorgeous, even more cute than Gou Matsouka, with a fitting aura of innocence surrounding you.

When seijuro first turned around, you thought it felt like love at first sight, as cliche as it sounds.
You had never met a guy so handsome in your life, you thought everything about him was perfect, especially his golden eyes.

"Arigatou Gozaimasu!" You thanked him and was about to find your Brother when you heard your name being called out.
"(Y/N)-Chan!" You looked behind seijuro to find your Brother waving at you.
"Onii-San!" You waved back and started running towards your Brother, giving him a jump hug.

"(Y/N)." Seijuro repeated your name and a smile graced his handsome features, he would definitely loved to meet you again.


You had been studying at a boarding school so the reason you visited your Brother was because you were on a holiday.
You would frequently visit your Brother since he was the only family member you had left.
Also, another reason why you visited your Brother was to meet Seijuro.

You had been spending a lot more time with him, getting to know him and vice versa. You wouldn't be lying if you said you didn't have a small crush on him because the truth is , you had a huge crush on him.

Your holiday was coming to an end and you would be going back to boarding school soon, today was the last day you would visit your Brother before you returned to school two days later.

"(Y/N)-Chan, can you do me a favour and pass this piece of paper to Seijuro, it's important." Your Brother handed you a slip of paper which you nod your head, indicating you would help your older brother.
You didn't mind helping your Brother, especially when it comes to seeing Seijuro again.

You happily skipped down the hall and when you finally found seijuro's dorm, you knocked on the door.
Even though you had been quite close to him, you had never seen the inside of his dorm.

The door opened revealing a half naked Seijuro with a towel wrapped around his waist. Water was dripping down his hair and it was easy to tell that he had just took a shower.
You cheeks turned a dark shade of pink.

"Seijuro-kun, um...uh...(older Brother's name) told me to pass the paper to you." You passed the paper to him to which he starts reading and you quickly averted your eyes to his room to avoid looking at the half naked man in front of you.

What you saw broke your heart in an instant. Covered on the walls of his room was pictures of a girl you know, named Gou Matsouka. You had never really talk to Gou but you knew her. What crushed your heart even more was that there were hand drawn hearts around the pictures. One picture even said 'Gou + Seijuro' with a heart around it, an arrow piercing through the heart, it was really easy to tell that it was Seijuro was the one who wrote it.

You should've known, being friends with the captain of the Samezuka Swim team, you really should've known, he had talked to you about Gou and how much he likes her, back then, when he told you this, you had not had a major crush on him so it was a small issue really but now, why did it hurt so much?

You wanted to break down crying but you refused to, at least not in front of Seijuro. You bit the inside of your cheeks and you tried to make your body stopped trembling.
Waves of pain rolled over your heart repeatedly and your eyes turned slightly glossy.

"Arigatou Gozaimasu, (y/n)-Chan."
Seijuro looked up from the paper when you didn't responded, he looked at where your gaze was and saw the pictures that was on his walls

"Huh? Oh? You're welcome! Before I go, I won't be visiting as much anymore, school starts for me in two days so this would be the last time I'll see you in a while." You said in your normal voice, erasing any traces of sadness or heartbreak that you are feeling right now.

"I need to go back to my hotel to pack my things, so um..I Guess this is goodbye?" You gave him a small hug before walking away.

Seijuro was too confused to say goodbye so by the time he realised what was going on, you were gone.
Why was he confused? He saw heartbreak and hurt behind your eyes when your gaze was on the pictures.
Realisation hit him like a truck and he starts panicking.

The truth was, over the period of time he had met you, he had fallen in love with you, though he had never taken down the pictures due to his busy schedule and he does have the tendency to forget.

Why was he panicking? He saw the way you looked so heartbroken when you were looking at the pictures and he immediately knew what you were thinking, you must have thought that He still likes Gou, which is exactly what you thought but it wasn't true.


Last day of boarding school had just ended and you were going to visit your Brother.
Since the last time you said goodbye to Seijuro, you had never talked to him, or your Brother.

Sure, Seijuro did try to contact many times through different methods but you never answered his calls or emails, simply because you were too busy with school, plus, your school was pretty strict, refraining you from using too much of your phone.

Even if you did answer his attempts to reach you, you wouldn't know what to say, even though you didn't confess to him, you felt quite awkward.

Since you were one year younger then your Brother and Seijuro, they had already finished their first year of college.

To your surprise, your Brother was accepted to the same college as Seijuro, meaning that you might have a slight chance to meet him.

Even if you were planning to go to the same college as your older Brother, you had never visited the school itself. So now walking around the school, you were pretty lost.

"Konnichiwa! I'm lost, do you-Seijuro." You tapped on a guy's shoulder, he was wearing a cap, covering his hair and he was walking frontwards,so his back was facing you.

The guy turned to face you and you immediately gasped out his name, in utter shock, you knew you would meet him, one way go another but you weren't expecting it to be so soon.

"(Y/n)-Chan." At first, he couldn't really recognised you for a split second since your hair had grown longer, your skin became clearer and you looked more matured.

"I'm sorry." In one swift motion, he pulled you into a hug.
"I love you, not Gou, I'm sorry for misleading you and for taking so long to confess. I love you more than anything in the world." You stood frozen, unsure of what to do, the minute you saw Seijuro, he immediately confessed his love for you, one year had past and your love for him had not gone away though you had tried to push him away.

You have had imagine what it was like to be his Girlfriend and such but now that everything is right in front of you, your mind decided to stop thinking. You would think Seijuro would start with formal greetings and such but a confession was the last thing you thought he would say.

"I...I...I love you too." You gave a Whisper so Soft that even Seijuro almost couldn't catch it.
He tightened his arms around your waist, your arms wrapped around his torso.

Don't jumped into conclusion that easily

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