Sousuke Yamazaki X Reader

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"Nngh." You jumped again, your fingers grazed the book but you still could not get a grip of the book.

Frustration grip you but you refused to give up, continuing to jump up, in hopes of getting the book.

You were currently in the library, researching some information for your History essay, sure you could've looked up the Internet, which you did, but you couldn't find the information you were looking for, resulting in you having to flip through books for information, just like the old fashion days.

You were too busy jumping to notice that your Boyfriend, Sousuke, had came up behind you. Sousuke is like a giant, in your opinion, he was definitely taller than you, your head only reached up to his chest, well, slightly lower than his chest, sure, you might be a little shorter than the average girls but it wasn't your fault your parents were not very tall either.

His hand reached out and grabbed the book you needed, immediately causing you to turn around, a little surprised because you had not noticed him there.

"Hey." You said a little out of breath from jumping. You reached out to take the book from his hands but he instantly held it up higher, refraining you from grabbing the book.

"Can I have that?" You frowned a little at your boyfriend's action.
"Sure." He replied and you reached out your hands to take it, only for him to lift the book higher. "If you can get it." He teased.

Your mouth opened and closed in shock and you narrowed your eyes at him, trying to be intimidating but failing.

"Yamazaki, I'm tired and I don't really feel like playing." You faked an exhausted sigh, hoping it would make him give you the book without you having to fight for it.

"You're a bad liar (Y/n)." He laughed and waved the book around in the air, teasing you more.

Who would've thought a man like Sousuke could be so playful? He always held a solemn face, hardly smiling around people, except for you.

Around other people, he seemed always serious but with you, his playful and slightly perverted side appeared.

You scrunched up your nose in frustration and glared at him, he only booped your nose in response, the playful smile still remained on his face.

"Why-are-you-so-tall?" Your words came out one by one as you were attempting to jump high enough to grab the book.

Sousuke thought about your question for a while before his smile became wider.
"So that you won't have trouble reaching down there." He grinned at his response and it took you a few seconds to realised what he meant.

"Yamazaki!" You exclaimed, your hands instantly covered your face to hide the Crimson blush that was spreading all over your cheeks.
"Don...don...don't say this kind of st...stuff!"

You were now a blushing and stuttering mess, Sousuke couldn't held but thought you looked extremely adorable.

"Now give me the book you pig." You mumbled, your hands still covering your face.

"Oh I'm a pig now huh?" He raised an amused eyebrow at you, you peek through the gap between your fingers to see whether he had handed the book to you.

"Yeah, give the book to" You uncovered one of your hands and stretched it out to receive the book you hoped he would give you.

"But pigs don't usually obeys their master." He rubbed his Chin, as if pretending to think.

"Yes, they do, now give it to me please." He refused, waving the book in front of your face and just when you where about to take it, he would pull it out of your reach.

Deciding that you didn't care about your embarrassment, you jumped, not to grab the book but to give your Boyfriend a koala bear hug, which surprised him.

"I'm not letting go until you give me the book." Your face buried in the crook of his neck, slightly muffling your words.

Sousuke couldn't help but fall deeper in love with you. Maybe another of his reasons be loved you was because of your innocent and childish personality.

Be innocent.

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