New Girl

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"Uncle J? Mind telling me what's going on here?" I asked. The beautiful midnight blue haired girl who was stop your thoughts Naruto. She was twiddling with her fingers, blushing.

"Remember Shion?" 

"Yeah, our butler."

"She died."


"Yes, and this young lady here is here for an interview."

"Oh, okay. I'll be in my room." I said walking to my room.

Once I got in, the most thoughts I ever had flew into my mind. Hey, Naruto. Remember something. Not only are you heir to your parents' business and fortune, but you are now the heir to Uncle J's smutty pervert books.

Oh, yeah. I didn't think about that.

Yes you did, because I am you.

Oh, yeah. I didn't think about that either.

Mental facepalm. That is all I have to say.

Wait, why is Uncle Jiraiya making me leave the house.

"Because I told you, you are now the heir to two fortunes and two businesses." Iruka said. 

"I said that out loud?"

"You talk to yourself without your own knowledge?" he mocked.

"Get out of here..." I said, shooing him.

After that I said my prayers to Kami and went to bed.

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