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          Y/N = Your Name    L/N = Last Name    E/C = Eye Color    H/C = Hair Color   H/L = Hair Length

           Well, you had officially done it. You became what you promised you'd never become. A stripper. The job itself wasn't what you hated, it was the fact that old, creepy 40 year old men would try and touch you without your permission. The sick bastards. 

           There was also the horny teenagers that would whoop and holler at you every time you kicked your legs over your head, hovering there with a deadpanned expression among your lips. Boy, those little fuckers made you so mad. There were multiple incidents where they would step over your boundaries and you would cuss them out, and watch them scramble out the front door, never to see their faces near this place you worked at.

          Speaking of which, the place you worked at, well, it wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst. You got paid pretty well, but everything else kind of sucked. The floors were relatively clean, with the exception of a few clumps of cigarettes, hair, and dirt mushed into one big pile in the corners. The poles were usually clean, with the occasional grease stains, fingerprints, and sweat running it up and down. It wasn't to bad, but it made it a shit ton more work for the people cleaning up after hours. Oh, and if you're wondering, this place is called, funny enough, "The Twelve Fox," which amused you so much, you had even pinned fox ears to your outfit. You never understood why you liked it so much.

          Speaking of you, well, even though you worked at a strip bar, almost all the employees loved you! You were the mother figure to all of them, you were only 30 however, but they saw you as you were. Responsible, calm, respectful, courteous, funny, and in your personal opinion, a little bit on the insane side. The good insane type, though. Not the," I'm gonna stab a sword into your tummy with no remorse for you or your family," type of insane. Your body was muscular, but still feminine. You rocked an impressive 32C, and your body had beautiful curves and indents that made you all the more you. Your H/C hair was at a nice H/L length, and you adored yourself.  Hehe. Well, now you've got the general idea, go! Get on with the story you gummy worm. :]

                                                                              -Back to to the Future-        

          "Hello, hello everyone! I can all presume you're all excited for our most favored, and talented dancer we have here tonight?" The announcer, known as Eric, shouted to the crowd with unnecessary enthusiasm, but in return, the crowd gave a hearty shout of glee. "Alriiight, that's what I want to hear! Well, without further ado, here is our very talented chickadoo, Y/N!" 

          That was your cue. You stepped onto the stage with your black stilettos, and a black bikini. Your body was coated with a little oil to give your body a little shimmer and shine to it, and you rubbed your hands together to prepare yourself to do this dance again for the seventeenth time today, and hopefully your last time. A wave of whoops and whistles erupted from the overlooking crowd, giving you total confidence. The song played that correspondended with your dance, of course it was a sexy worded one. What else could it be? The song: David Guetta-Hey Mama. Not your favorite song in the world, but it adds a bit of pizazz to the whole show. 

          You stepped up to the, hopefully, germ ridden pole,a and began your little dance. Flipping your hair, and swaying your hips up and down the pole at a perfect speed to the song. Letting your body and legs really take over your mind. The rhythm of the song got into your head, and you started to really feel the beat. Every step you took felt more powerful and dominant than the last. Doing tricks on the pole, and crawling on your hands and knees like a cat, up to the very lovely crowd. You went up to the pole and gave a few more twirls and flips before the song finally came to a nice little close. Leaving your ending pose with your legs wrapped around the pole, and your head and left arm tilted back, while your right arm held on so you wouldn't fall. 

          Once you finished, the people stood and clapped, hollered, whooped, cheered, you name it. they did it.  You looked around at the crowd to see if you could spot anyone that might cause you trouble like you did every time, so you would know to avoid them. As your eyes scanned the surrounding people, your eyes landed on a mob of black, curly hair. It wasn't an unusual sight, no certainly not, but you hadn't seen someone with that big of an obvious jewfro. Well, you assumed, you didn't want to offend anyone, but you weren't aware that people can not physically read minds, but that didn't stop you from feeling a twinge of guilt afterwards.        

          You took a small bow, and plastered a smile onto your lips. You took your, now sweaty form, and dragged yourself off stage. With a couple,'great work!' and, 'slay you sexy beast,' from some of your fellow dancers, you cleaned yourself off, and walked out. A couple people saw you and flashed a smile, or a thumbs up, which made you happy that you were appreciated, and not sexualized. You lifted your chin slightly and gave a cheeky grin, showing your pearly whites. 

           Taking a deep breath and stretching a bit, you stepped over to the bar and talked to the guy operating, his name was Richard, but you just called him rich-beard, because he had a kickass beard. It was great. 

          "Hey there mama, what can I do for you this fine evening?" He spoke while cleaning off the dirty counter.

          "Hey Rich, can you hit me up with some wings for takeout? You know you make the best of 'em" You smiled, leaning on one arm as you smiled and laughed quietly.

          "Sure thing, worm." He remarked, and slid into the back room. He usually called you 'worm' because you always had a way of slithering into people's conversations, which you so happened to be doing right about now. It was a bit of a muffled conversation, but you could hear it.

          "See? I told you Danny, you can find a lot of really hot women here. So? Which one did you get the hots for huh?"

          "Ahh, they were all pretty OK. I especially liked that last one though, she looked really into the song. So I guess her."

          "Well, I think I see the certain favorite over by the bar, you should try talking to her dude."

          "I don't know, what if she isn't interested? Or if she is already seeing someone? Or if she thinks my thumbs are weir---"

          "Danny! Calm down! I'm sure she won't mind simple conversation, most people don't. Just go up and talked to her, I'm sure your jewfro will make her crawl all over you."

          "Thanks Arin, your a true wingman."

          "No problem man!"


          You couldn't help but blush a little at the interest in you. Sure, you got hit on quite frequently, and very cockily too, but something about how he was afraid to talk someone like you, made you feel quite squishy inside. It was a but cute.

          So you sat there and took your toll, to see if would approach you. You could see out of your peripheral vision, that he was staring dead at you. Slowly, very very slowly, making his way towards the empty seat next to you. You heard a small sigh and saw him approach.

          'Hi there! I'm Danny--"


          Muahaha, I leave it at a cliffhanger yet again, I'm a true fiend! Haha, I felt like making a Danny Sexbang thing so yah, das ist gut. Enjoy my gummy worms. :}                                                                       


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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