Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Mom, I know it's short notice, but we found a good deal. The house is beautiful. There's two ovens. What am I going to do with two ovens?" Elizabeth laughed then listened to her mother on the phone as she slowly got up the nerve to tell her about the pregnancy. Not that her mother would be upset, it's just she and her mom had always talked about their dreams in life; being independent, owning businesses, and running a boardroom. The subject of raising kids didn't come up. "Yes, mom there is a reason we're moving so quickly." Lizzy stopped speaking to gather herself. She exhaled, "I'm having triplets."

Elizabeth wasn't surprised Laura didn't speak for a minute but she was surprised when rather abruptly, her mother congratulated her and excused herself from the conversation. Something had come up and Laura would call her back. Liz sat on the living room sofa wondering what had gotten into her mom when Bruno walked in the room.

"Off the phone already? Lucky. Couldn't get a hold of dad so left a message for him to call. And Ma, you'd think I was still 16. She had comments for days. When did this happen? When's the due date? I knew this marriage would interfere with your work. I thought you knew better than to let this happen. Well, I can't just come up there every other day to help you. I guess I'll tell Aunt Jane to put this on the prayer list and I'll put together a couple of prayer circles. I couldn't tell if she was mad, jealous or what exactly. I was glad I got to tell her the album was finished though. Uh huh, uh huh." He noticed his wife hadn't changed her facial expression since he'd walked in the room. He copped a squat in front of her and put his hands on her knees. "You okay, Lizbeth?"

"I finally got the nerve to bring up the babies and all she did was congratulate me and hang up. She's going to call back but she basically just blew me off after telling her some pretty incredible news. Good or bad it's still pretty incredible and she frickin' hung up on me!" Lizzy didn't understand what her mother must be thinking. She felt a separation from Laura extending far further than the 2,700 miles of land between them. Wouldn't - couldn't the woman even give her the time of day after hearing this news?

"She's probably in shock, sweetie. Maybe she needs a minute."

"Something was off in her tone, Bruno. I don't think she's mad." Elizabeth's phone rang; it was her mother's ringtone.

"Elizabeth." Liz could tell her mom was crying; the woman was full out upset.

"Mom, what's wrong? Tell me. You're going to make me cry."

"Putting your father on."

"Dad, what is happening?" Her father's voice was glum. Elizabeth wondered which relative had died who would put her parents over the edge like this. "Elizabeth, your mom told me there's a new group of people coming to live at your house. Congratulations!"

"Thanks Dad, it is a shock. Why is mom crying?"

"Ummm Elizabeth, we should have told you this sooner but no time is ever the right time for this sort of thing."

"Dad! What is it?" Bruno sat in the overstuffed chair adjacent to the sofa now with his complete attention on his wife.

"It's hard to find a place to begin so I'll just start. Umm multiples run on your mom's side of the family." One side of Elizabeth's face scrunched up not recollecting any twin's, or more, running around. "They don't usually make it, Elizabeth." Gabriel said this to her like he had said, "Go get the mail, Elizabeth" or "Get ready for school, Elizabeth" a thousand times in her life. At both ends, the telephone lines went silent.

"Dad? You mean they don't make it to term?" "No, right they usually don't make it. Sometimes like you but your twin didn't." Liz sat, one leg under her the other knee up to rest her head. Liz raised her head. Bruno made eye contact and Liz shook her head in the negative.

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