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(Skylar's pov. )

I got in the back of kira's car where Liam was already seated. He flashed me a smile and we drove off.

"Hey. " I whispered to him. "Are you sure about this?"

He nodded. "Yeah. It's just a party right? There's gonna be a bunch I of people, Scott won't even notice us. If he even comes. " Liam reassured and I had this terrible feeling In my stomach.

Kira, a junior and Scott's girlfriend... Ish. Suddenly decides to envite two random freshman to a party?? Likely story.

It had only been several days since the incident at the hospital.

But Liam had begged me to come and God this kid had an impact on me.

"Hey, you look really nice by the way. " he said in realizetion.

I wore a black skater dress and boots. Nothing crazy.

I smiled and tried not to blush. Liam had on a hoodie and jeans and still had the ability to make me melt.

We were at Lydias lake house in no time, where the party was being held.

"Hey I thought you said a bunch of people were coming? " I asked as we walked into the vacant house.

"Oh yeah the party is down here, we're early though. " she said nervously and led us down a basement.

And that's when Kira locked the door behind us and we found ourselves in a shady basement with Malia, Stiles, Lydia and well Scott.

"What the hell is this?" Liam said angry.

"Think of this as an intervention Liam. " Stiles chirped. "You have a problem. "

"And we're the only ones that can help. " Scott finished.

I laughed. "I'm sorry did you guys practice that line because it was very movie like. "

"And you. " Stiles said. "Sky, you got dragged into all this. so now you're involved. "

And with that Scott told us things. things that weren't normal. Things that made you wonder what was even real and what wasn't anymore.

"So werewolf?" Liam looked to Scott, Scott nodded.

"Banshee?" To Lydia

"Kitsune?" To Kira

And then Liam paused at Stiles. "What are you?"

"Oh um well, for a while I was possessed by a very evil demon. " he said on his hips. "It was very evil. Like...a lot. "

"What are you know?" Liam asked.

"Um..better?" Stiles looked around for help.

"And what are you?" Liam looked at me.

"I dunno, confused and Human??" I answered. the hell was I supposed to be.

"So those are for me?" Liam asked looking at the chains.

"Nope. those are for Me. " Malia said flashing bright blue eyes. both Liam and I stepped back.

"How are you feeling? " Scott asked. "It's a full moon tonight. "

Scott genuinely seemed like a nice person. Really. But the entire situation was just uncomfortable.

Liam looked around frustrated. "You guys,you guys are all crazy! I'm feeling like I'm surrounded by a bunch of freaking but jobs! just stay the- "

Liam Dunbar was caught off. By his own screams of agony as he fell to my feet.

I was by his side in seconds and he seemed to pull himself into me.

So Cold (Liam Dunbar)Where stories live. Discover now