Chapter 14

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a few days later

it been hard for me because i have to tell Teddy & Beca about me when i give birth and Teddy went nus he said that i can't die but i told him that there is nothing to do for me to survive the birth but i ask not to tell our parents and they agreed and now i call Isabella to ask her to come over and talk and tell her about me.

when she got to my house we cough up our live she said that she is engages to her boyfriend i am so happy for her

Isabella: congratulations on your pregnancy

she said i smiled

Phoebe: thank you

i said

Isabella: so tell me why did you ask me to come over?

she ask i took a deep breath

Phoebe: i need to tell you something. . . something that i think you are going to cry

i said she look at me confuse

Phoebe: when my due date comes. . . i am not going to be here

i said she look at me

Isabella: what do you mean?

she ask i give her 'you know' look and her face is like in shock

Isabella: are you dying!?

she said i nod

Isabella: no, No, NO! you are lying

she said i shake my head

Isabella: when did you found out?

she ask

Phoebe: a few weeks ago. . . they said that the reason is that i don't have enough blood to survive for the baby and me so they told me that the baby will survive but not me

i said and she still in shock

Isabella: you can't die!

she said

Phoebe: Isabella there is nothing i can do to survive this the baby will live and i die

i said

Isabella: don't say that you just need to fight this and be strong to beat this

she said

Phoebe: look i really don't want to stress out but im just going to tell you something when we were in high school you made my life a living hell but when we were in college you were my best friend. having you as my best friend is been the best thing that has ever happened to me and i just want to say thank you so much for that

i said and her tears is coming down her face

Phoebe: and please don't tell my parents

i ask and she whip her tears away and she nod and i give her a hug

Phoebe: don't think about it let just spend time together as much as we can

i said and we just hug and cry

i know i said that i need time off here but when i read your guys comments it make me happy and make my day and i though that i feel bad for you guys have to wait i am going to put more chapter up today :)

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