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There I sit at the edge of my bed staring at the plain white wall ahead. My head ached from the continuous scanning of thoughts.

I had killed her tonight. Not on purpose of course, I mean, I barely knew her. I'd see her around school, in the halls or in the library, but even though, I still felt absolutely terrible.

She was so innocent and fragile, defenseless against me. I deserved to be punished yet, no one will ever know that it was me who murdered her, even if I confessed. They'd never believe me. All investigators, witnesses, anyone would think it had been an animal. For it was an animal responsible for her death. Me.

But by animal, I don't mean some cold hearted, psychotic guy. By animal, I mean animal. To you, it'll only add up if I explain. Unfortunately though, I don't explain, I just do.

I awake in the morning with a migraine, the sun pouring in through the window didn't make it any better.

The digital clock read 11:47 A.M; almost twelve hours since the incident. I silently promise myself to stay in the basement next time "it" happens.

It was Saturday so I could choose to either stay in bed or go eat. My brain wanted to stay but my stomach disagreed.

I roll out of bed uncaringly and purposely let my body fall off the bed and effortlessly into a push up position on the floor. I spring myself up onto my feet just to bend down again and grab a random T-shirt from the ground. Mom doesn't like when I walk around shirtless. Apparently being a normal guy is "disrespectful" but I understand her point of view.

I ruffle my matted hair as I head downstairs, double stepping as I went.

Mom was in the kitchen like every morning. She wakes up much too early for a women her age. She's only around thirty but I'm pretty sure the fact that shes a women adds on to the fact that she should probably be sleeping In longer. Right?

"Hey. Morning, lazy." She jokes when I walk in. She doesn't turn around though as she focusses on the stove.

"Morning, early." I rebuttal. She giggles and I smile. "Whats on the menu today, ma'am?"

She flips something in a pan. "Eggs, bacon, sausage." She spins around to face me. "If that's aright with you sir."

"That's fine for now." If you haven't already noticed, we're much too sarcastic towards each other.

She turns back around and all I see now are her arms moving before she spins around again and sets a full plate in front of me.

"Thanks, pal." I laugh.

"I ain't your friend." She jokes as she fixes her own plate.


"Oh hey, did you hear about that girl. I just thought you might of heard, she was around your age. She was on the news earlier and I swear I've seen her in your yearbook."

I almost spit up my food as she sat across from me. "No, uh...I haven't. What happened?" I knew very well what happened, but she didn't need to know that.

"Well, I recorded the newscast while it aired earlier. I figured you'd wanna watch it after breakfast."

"Oh yeah, definitely." I felt so disgusted with myself. Now I'd have to relive the whole incident when I watch the news later.


I ate the rest of my plate as slow as possible, trying my hardest to avoid the T.V for as long as possible. There was no getting out of it, refusing to watch would just make her curious. However, stalling was a definite option.

"Honey?" I hear mom call from the living space. "Hurry up, I'm about to play it!"


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