The wise traveler

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I awoke to claws scraping against wood. I squinted my eyes trying to focus on my surroundings.
" . . . Mama?" No movement. Another loud sound came from the barn roof. The hayloft buzzed with excitement.  I saw outlined shadows of cats. One spoke softly,
"Good gods why does ryhs make so much noise when she visits juniper?" Juniper let out a low growl.
"Sorry, but last time i checked yew was under the bridge!" he hissed at the unknown cat. A small head poked out of a hole that led outside. I sniffed, i couldn't recognize the scent much. Of course i'm curious. I slid off the elevated hay bale.
"Ah! Ryhs!" Juniper beamed. jumping at his voice I plummet to the floor. I mewl in pain. Juniper's amber eyes gaze onto me. My heart nearly skips a beat. He padded over quickly.
"Ryhs come!" The small crouched figure scampered to me. My ears swiveled towards both of them. Ryhs was a?
"I am a racoon" Ryhs cooed.
"You can read minds!?" I gasp. Ryhs gave a purring noise. I gave this as a chuckle.
"Cookie? Why are you up, it's nearly midnight." Mama growls under her breath. Ryhs turns to my mom and explains.
"He was only curious Jasper." My mother's eyes widened and grew like the moon.
"Ryhs- i- you-" my mother kept stumbling over her words. Ryhs opened her jaws to explain but swiftly my mother tackles her. Her small frame made her fall onto the floor along with mama. Mama sounds weird when she starts purring, it's not her normal purr. Ryhs put her paw against mama's head.
"Where is jack-" before Ryhs could finish my mother growls at her.
"Qiko and his gang." Ryhs bares her teeth.
"That mongrel!" She scoffed.
"Wheres-" before ryhs could finish my mother blurts out
"dead, all of them." Ryhs ears lower. "When will gypsy be back?" Juniper pipes in "another day, she's picking up mud from the forest over near the falls."
"I need more herbs." Ryhs states. My ears perk up.
"Can i join you?" I ask. Jasper's eyes flicker with fear.
"Jasper?" Ryhs asks.She nods in approval. Ryhs gets up and squirms through the hole in the wall. I scamper after her.

Jasper StreetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora