Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Niall's P.O.V

"ill meet you in like a hour? I need to get a shower and get some clothes"She said as I agreed.

"Yep, cya in a hour"I started to walk to the door to let her out when I remembered I didn't have her number.

"Wait!"I got my phone out letting her type her number in.She blushed and walked out of the door.

"cya in a hour"she winked i couldn't help but smile as I shut the door checking my phone I saw she had set her name as


Finally someone liked me for me.I did my famous jump and fisted the air.I was so happy right now!

"Niall..what are you doing mate?"Louis laughed as I went red.

"Jumping...yeah.."I scratched my neck awkwardly before sitting on the sofa next to him changing the conversation.

"so um what are you doing today?"I questioned as he patted my back.

"Mate you like her"Louis teased as I tried my hardest to not admit it. 

Wait admit I did...I liked Hannah.

"Nah shut up Lou"He smirked.

"Harry"Louis shouted as harry came in in his boxers and sat down.

"yea?"he yawned.

"Who does Niall like?"Louis smirked as I blushed, I would never hear the end if this.

"That Hannah person, its obvious"Harry smirked as I felt myself go red.

"Is it that bad?"I asked.

"Yeah!"Liam and zayn chirped in sitting next to Harry.

"So Hannah lets cuddle on the sofa and Hannah you can sleep In my bed, wear my clothes.."Zayn laughed as I went redder.

"Niall likes Hannah , Niall likes Hannah!"Louis shouted as I shushed him, I didn't want her to hear.

"Ive got to go get ready"I stood up as I got pulled back down by Liam.

"where are you going?"he teased as I scratched my neck again.

"Meeting Hannah for dinner"

"So a date!"harry declared.

"yeah..I mean no..I don't know"I blushed running to my room before I got asked anymore questions. 

I pulled on a white t shirt with the American flag on, some gray skinnies and my white hi tops.It was abit warm for a jumper.

I picked up my wallet&phone and shoved them in my pocket.

"Cya later guys"I waved as they all murmured there goodbyes. 

I opened the door to reveal Hannah dressed in shorts and a American t shirt.

"You look nice"I smiled walking next to her to my car.

"so do you! I see where matching today" I laughed.

"I guess so"we made small talk till we got to my car.

"so where are you taking me?"she asked as I smiled.

"I was thinking the mall"I suggested as she nodded.

"sounds good, don't forget nandos! its my favourite place in the world"she blushed as I smiled.

"Mine too as long as I can get the full menu"I joked, nandos really was amazing.

"I love this song!"Hannah turned up the radio singing along to 5 seconds of summer-gotta get out.

"Even when the sky is falling down, even when the earth is crumbling round my feet even when we try to say goodbye, you can cut the tension with a knife in here"she sang as I watched her she was pretty good.

"Was I singing out loud! I'm sorry!"she blushed as I put my hand on her knee.

"Your pretty good, for a girl"I joked as she pretended to be hurt.

"Your pretty good for a boy"

when we got to the mall,I bought a few t shirts and some skinnies and Hannah still hadn't bought anything.

"Pick anything"I suggested as we walked around top shop.

"I like everything!"she whined as I smirked taking everything in size 10 of the racks handing it to Hannah

"how many items have you got"the woman asked Hannah as she laughed. 


She tried on a few things handing them back to me after she had tried them on.

"what about this?"she asked as she walked out in a black dress that came just mid thigh. 

""I couldn't get my words out, she looked so perfect. 

"Its awful isn't it?"she started to walk back. 

"No, its perfect you look gorgeous"I blushed realising what I had just said.But she really did. 

"Thank you Niall"

"I'm gonna get changed wait there"she handed me the clothes she didnt like before shutting the curtain.

"that will be £267 please"The checkout woman asked as I payed and took the bags to wait for Hannah

"I think I'm going to get-"she started but stopped when she saw the bags.

"NIALL!"She started to argue.

"No, don't I wanted to treat you"I smiled as she gave me a hug.

"don't buy me anything else, thank you Niall"

"I cant promise"I winked as she smirked before grabbing my hand in hers dragging me to nandos.

"Here's your meal, enjoy"the waiter handed us our meal after about half a hour of talking.

we literally ordered everything on the menu as we were so hungry and you can never get enough of nandos chicken can you?

"this is amazing"She took a bite of the hot chicken wings as I hummed in agreement.

"I'm paying Ni"she grabbed my wallet of me before putting it at the other side of the table and taking her card out to pay.

"you didn't have to"I smiled as she shook her head.

"its the least I can do, I dread to think how much that costed"she looked at the bags I was holding as I shrugged.

"only for my favorite girl"our hands brushed as I looked away pulling her hand into mine and acting like nothing happened.

"Nice moves horan"she squeezed my hand as I blushed.

"don't know what your talking about "

I Think Im Falling For You.. (A Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now