Before debut

27 1 0

Sehun P.O.V

I walked into the practice room. It was huge, there was a carpeted area with chairs lined at the ends of the wall. After that there was a dance space, with mirrors on the corners. Someone was already there. They turned around from the sound of my foot steps. He had a smooth looking face, perfectly proportioned. His lips were parted slightly, he soon bowed politely. I bowed back.
"안녕하세요/ Anyeonghasseo/ good morning" I said. He stood there, blanked. Then something seemed to click on his brain
"안녕하세요/ Anyeonghasseo/ good morning" he said, smiling and nodding. I heard about him. His name is Luhan, he's Chinese. My manager told me he doesn't speak much Korean. Dammit. I hate language barriers.
I must have been staring at him too long. He started to blush.

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