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Unrequited -

Mark woke up with a yawn, stretching his muscular arms. He looked down and softly smiled at how Jack was curled up on him.

Little snores escaped his mouth, his hair was tousled. Mark continued watching as Jack's eyelashes fluttered over his rosy cheeks, his eyelids opening slowly to reveal those beautiful blue eyes Mark loves so much. 

"Love," Mark whispered sweetly into Jack's ear, caressing the soft hairs at the base of his damp neck, "Wake up. I'll make breakfast."

Jack groaned and moved away from Mark, making him chuckle deeply. Mark got up from the bed, slipping his slippers onto his feet, making his way to his cold kitchen.

About two minutes of laying there, Jack shot straight up, a small gasp leaving his mouth. He then remembered something very important and disturbing. The wedding was in 5 days.

Jack was not prepared. If it was up to him, he wouldn't show up at the wedding at all. The small Irish lad shivered, getting up from the warm bed. He shook off all the grave thoughts of the wedding and went into the kitchen, smiling at the sight in front of him.

Mark was swaying his hips, humming quietly to himself as he prepared breakfast for him and Jack. Jack giggled, too quiet for Mark to hear, and sat at the table.

Jack turned on his phone, going through his messages. He sighed once he saw he had 50 missed calls and 23 unread texts from Ally. Jesus Christ, does he ever get a break?

"Mark." Mark turned around abruptly at the sound of his name being called. His big brown eyes landed on Jack who was already looking at him. "Yes?"

"It's.. Soon.." Jack muttered, scratching his neck awkwardly. Mark knew what Jack was referring to. He knew exactly what. The wedding, and it broke Mark into a million pieces all over again.

He gulped down the lump forming in his throat, blinking back tears. He refused to cry in front of Jack. Jack was already weak, he had to be the strong one.

Mark turned off the stove, wiping his sweaty hands off with a kitchen cloth, "I know, I'm sure we'll figure something out, together..right?"

Jack nodded quickly. He'd do absolutely anything to just be happy. It's all he's ever wanted.

"Of course, I love you so much Markimoo." He then got up, wrapping his arms around Mark's waist tightly. A smile appeared on Mark's face as he looked down at Jack. A twinkle of adoration was clear in Marks eyes as he held Jack tightly to his chest.

"I love you too, Jackaboy. Always."

"Maybe okay can be our alway-"
"Shut up."


Ally smirked in victory once she successfully picked the lock on Jack's recording room door. She stepped in quietly, immediately going over to the drawer that Jack kept all his stuff in.

She shuffled through it, finally finding what she was looking for. His wallet. She took out 75 dollars, putting the wallet back in where it was and closing the drawer.

"Jackpot." She murmered, leaving the room with a evil grin plastered on her sick face. She knew stealing money from Jack was very twisted, but she was broke and wanted - no needed, a new pair of high heels.

Ally shrugged, grabbing her coat and keys, leaving Jack's house. "Worth it." She whispered to herself as she drove home, singing along to the song that was playing from her car radio.

From across the street, Ed watched with suspicion in his bright blue eyes. "Something fishy is going on." He told his dog - Bitsie - as she took a dump in the grass. Bitsie snorted at her owner, covering her shit up with dirt. Shaking his head, He then continued walking home, wondering about what just happened.

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