quick tag

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Me: HAI GUYS so..I've been tagged by..Cosmos127 :33 hai

Anyways I have to answer..some questions..so.HERE WE GO!

1) favorite zelda character?

Let's..see..OF COURSE IS GHIRAHIM I'm sorry but I love ghirahim :3

2) harry potter or twilight?

to be honest..I really like harry potter..so..yusss

3) yaoi or Yuri

Uh..I choose yaoi..I dont mean to offend anyone but I like yaoi better..*shrugs*

4)free lancer or white mage

I'm sorry but I dont play bravely default XD

5) favorite Disney movie..

Huh..I dont really know..little mermaid?

6) nigahiga or pewdiepie

Pewds all the way :3

7) what is your favorite Pokemon?


8) favorite game of all time..

why you do this to meh ;-; depends..favorite horror game..would be silent hill..but..if its all time fav .then Pokemon

9) zelink or telink

Uh neither..how about ghiralink (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

10) pancakes or waffles


11) ds or gamboy?


12) zelda or rosalina

Rosalina I like her so much XD

13) LoZ or sonic

Legend of zelda all the way

THATS IT THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME I'll probably tag people later but YES SEE YA GUYS

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