Chapter 3

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Atlas could hear his heart pounding in his ears, the sweat beading on his forehead as he gave chase. The ring that held so many memories was at risk, he couldn't loose it now. The dull thud of his feet on the ground sent shivers up his spine, his clammy hands reaching out in front of him to push branches out of the way.

He could hear Sylph's voice in the back of his mind, how he would scold him if he lost the ring. The face of disappointment that he desperately didn't want to see. He could almost feel the bitterness in the air around him

"What did I tell you, Atlas? You can't just let something like that out of your sight! What if you got hurt."  He felt the back of Sylph's hand come into contact with his head, creating a cry of pain.
He turned and looked Atlas right in the eye, his glance softening as their gaze locked.

"Promise to be more careful next time?"

Atlas felt the ground make contact with his face as something hit him from behind, making him wheeze and cough as he tried to see clearly, only able to make sluggish movements. The adrenaline that used to power him no longer kept the soreness out of his legs. He felt like he had swallowed daggers, his legs nothing more than jelly now.

Spitting up a bit of blood, Atlas cursed quietly. His lungs were raw and dry creating pain in each heaving breath he took.

He failed.

The feeling of sadness soon overtook him, making him curl up and cough horribly. 

"Hey kid." A voice cut through the silence

Atlas of the WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora