Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Normally I would knock on his room's door before I entered but we've been going out for 2 years now. He was my boyfriend, my first kiss, the one who I traded my v-card in for. So I opened the door, when I opened the door I didn't think it was think it was the last straw, my breaking point but I guess I thought wrong. Laying on his couch was a naked him and a naked Mandy.

"Oh my god! Sam it isn't what it looks like, I swear" He said that with such a panicky look I didn't know if I should cry or laugh.

"It wasn't what it looks like?! Sooo I guess you're just cleaning my Best Friends body with your tongue while you're wearing invisible clothing?" I started tearing up while I made my sarcastic remark.

'He's just a boy, don't cry for him, please don't cry, your 17, plenty more fish in the sea.' I thought.

Alex quickly put on his boxers and came over to me, "please don't start crying baby". His eyes had this look, a blank look. He didn't care. Nobody did.

"Whatever, we're done, I trusted you and you do this?" I hurried out the door knowing he wouldn't come after me and neither would my 'best friend.' As I walk home the tears rush out. But it didn't feel like I was crying for him.

Am I being over-dramatic? Am I fussing over something stupid?

I don't know, but I cant do this anymore, I hate this, I hate trusting people, whats the point? Everyone lets me down. Mandy, my 'best friend,'I trusted her to care about me, and my feelings, look at how well that ended up. She didn't seem to care enough to keep her hands off the guy that I loved. She didn't give a fuck when she saw me running out his house with tears in my eye. I also trusted Alex, FOR GODS SAKE I gave him my virginity but obviously that was a joke to him. I trusted him to love me back, not me AND Mandy. Just Me. I trusted Dad and so did mom, we both did. My mom expected my father would take care of me no matter what. And I expected him to as well. Don't get me wrong my dad loved my mom but he didn't love me as much, I wouldn't be adopted if he did.

As soon as I got to my house I ran to my room. Alex had already left my mind, I didn't even care anymore. I wasnt going to think of his perfectly tanned body and his beautiful green eyes anymore. Now all I was thinking of was my guardians. I don't know why they decided to adopt a poor little girl, and leave her in a huge house all alone for months and go work. Was my life not hell enough when my dad left me??!!

Through all the shit I've been through I wonder how Im still sane.


"Hey Sam, I heard what happened" Ethan said, I saw pity in his eyes, he was one of my close friends, not as close as Mandy though. He had dirty blonde hair and chocolatey brown eyes. "Yeah, I'm guessing your not the only one who knows?" I replied.

"I'm sorry" he said as he leaned over to hug me. It felt so warm and comfortable, I didn't want to let go.

He released me "do you want me to walk you to your next class?"

"No thanks" and with that I left for Algebra.

I wasn't in the mood to learn so I just gave up on listening to Ms. Berg.

I should have ate breakfast if I did I wouldn't feel like a dead fis- "Ow" I tried hard to whisper. It didn't really hurt, I don't know why I said ow. I peered down to the floor to see what had hit me.

It was a note. Nobody sends me notes. I opened it slowly, what if it was a note from a serial killer???? OMG someone is gonna stab a knife through my head. I pulled at the edges till it was fully open...

Did you and Alex break up and did he actually cheat on you? ~Matt

Oh. Well, not what I expected. I didn't even bother answering I just stuffed the piece of paper into my book bag. The next three periods flew by uneventful but a few people asked me if Alex cheated on me and my reply was 'go ask Mandy'. I had Humanities next, Yay me. [Note the sarcasm]

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