3: Runes

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"You do realize that if you leave him here, you may never visit him again until he is healed." The doctor looked between Grace and Mark, hands clasped on the table.

"Go ahead and take him. He's the devil's son, always talking about monsters and hell. Makes me sick."

Mark glared over his shoulder at the small boy who was staring at the wall with a scared expression.

"Mark, dear...he is just a boy." Grace muttered, attempting one last time to convince her husband not to leave her son here.

"He is not my son! You probably fucked the devil, didn't you? I will not have a demon spawn in my own house!"

Oliver opened his eyes suddenly from the shout; his expression dull and emotionless. He hadn't thought of his parents in so long that it felt strange that he knew how they still looked like. His mother's auburn hair, and his father's brightly colored eyes. How did he still know after all these years?

Maybe because we wanted you to see. See how unloved you are.

"Thanks." He muttered to the voice as he sat up. Well, at least it was calmer than his other nightmares.

Oliver glanced around the room, frowning when he realized this wasn't his room. It was different. The walls were gray and empty instead of white and bland. The bed was made of pillows rather than the uncomfortable spring mattress and a jacket was thrown over him instead of his usual stiff blanket. Then he realized. This wasn't the asylum. This was another prison altogether.

"Mori?" The teen called out as he stood up from his makeshift bed and winced at his sore back.

No answer was given and Oliver sighed in annoyance. "Mori? Fortis?"

He walked down the creaky stairs to the military base in the livingroom. The papers were moved, and it seemed like some more pictures were added to the wall but that was the only sign that someone else actually lived here.

"Where are they?" He muttered as he walked into the armory, suddenly caught off guard by the addition of a fridge, stove, cabinets and two grumbling angels covered in white spackle.

"That doesn't go there. That pipe thing is supposed to go into that pipe thing." Fortis said in frustration as he gestured to the pipes below the sink.

Mori shook his head and pointed his fingers at a small booklet in his hands. "That's not what it says. Follow the damn instructions, Fortis."

"I'm telling you that goes there!"

"And I'm telling you that you're going to flood our base!"

A laugh suddenly interrupted their argument. Their gazes followed the source behind them to Oliver.

"Oh...hey, Oli. Had a good sleep?" Fortis stood up and brushed the cement off his hands.

"Sort of. It was pretty decent for once actually." Oliver glanced at the unfinished sink, a wide smile growing on his face. "Having some trouble?"

"Well, considering you're going to be staying with us for a long time, we decided to try to add some things a human might need." Mori stood up as well and attempted to scratch the excess spackle off his cheek.

"And Mori is being an asshole."

"Am not."

Oliver rolled his eyes and reached for the instruction manual, knitting his eyebrows in confusion when he saw it was in Japanese. "How can you read this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2017 ⏰

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