Chapter 2

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I had fallen asleep a little past 11 last night going over my notes one more time for my Chemistry test even though I had understood everything perfectly because of Harry's explanations. My alarm clock started to go off at 6:30 and I moaned rolling over out of bed. 

Walking into my closet I had picked out a sweatshirt and some yoga pants. My bruises had started to clear up but they were still pretty dark from James last outburst. That time he had only grabbed my shoulder and twisted it leaving finger print shaped bruises on my skin.

I plugged in my curling iron and curled the tips of my hair and making it curl against my face. I had started to apply eyeshadow to my eyelids making my eyes look bluer. I put mascara on and a bit of blush trying not to look like I was trying to hard for a stupid school day. 

When I was done I walked down my staircase and into the kitchen where my mom stood at the counter just like the night before. 

"Good morning mom." I said sitting down and pouring myself a glass of orange juice. 

"Good morning darlin'" she said as she grabbed her cup of coffee and went to sit down across from me at the table. 

"Where's dad?" I ask as my mom looks up from her coffee at me.

"He wanted to get to work early and show Mr.Styles he is responsible." I roll my eyes at him, he is such a kiss up it isn't even funny.

We sit in silence as I crunch on my breakfast when I look at the clock realizing James is going to be here soon to pick me up. I stood up putting my bowl in the sink and go upstairs to grab my bag. 

As soon as I grabbed it I my phone started to buzz. I picked it up seeing James's name and a picture of him smiling on there. I smiled to myself as I slid my finger across the screen answering the phone. 

"Hello?" I answer

"Hey babe, I'm outside." James said into his speaker. I could hear music playing in the background. 

"Ok, I'm coming out right now." I say as I walk down the staircase again. 

"Bye mom," I shout closing the door and running to James silver Ford. I open the passenger side and slip into the car.

"Hey babe," he says as he leans over and kisses my lips. I kiss him back and smile at him.

"Hi, how are you?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"I'm good," he says pulling out of the my driveway. "So how was studying last night?" he asks in a mocking tone with a smile on his lips. I side glance at him and see him flip his blonde hair out of his eyes.

"It was good, well actually I had someone help me study." I tell him feeling guilty knowing I should have told him about the kiss but I didn't want to deal with his anger at that momment.

"Oh...really?" he says raising his eyebrow in question as he clenches the wheel with both hands. "Who?" he asked.

"His name is Harry, he is my dad's bosses son. He was actually really good at chem." I say and look over at my boyfriend, he has his hands clenched on the wheel even harder and is staring at the road.

"Oh...why would you let some guy help you study when you had a book? That is all you need." he says through clenched teeth.

"Well...umm, I did look through the book and read it over and over again and I just didn't get the concept, and he was at my house so I just...asked him to help me I guess." I said looking at James, as we pulled into the parking lot.

"You shouldn't have asked him, you are my girlfriend and you can't talk to anyone I don't aprove of, got it?" he says his eyes narrowing at me. He had pulled into a parking space and had fully turned towards me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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