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All throughout the training yard rang the sound of sleek metal clashing together and shouts of intense battle. The other knights stood off to the side, watching intently as father and son ruthlessly practiced against each other. The sun beamed down from above with sweltering heat, but that didn't falter the combatants one bit.

"Come on, Link! You know you can do better than that!" shouted the captain of the Hyrulean Guard at his tiring son.

Link held his sword in both hands as he panted heavily, trying to push all of his distracting thoughts out to focus on his father's stance. He tried, he really did. Things just weren't the same after returning the Four Sword to its pedestal – he'd soon found that out shortly after paying the returning bandits a visit. It was the first time he was grateful to have his father and the other knights helping him, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to take on the group with his distressed mind.

Link's eyes stayed sharp on the way his father was moving, calculating and predicting what he would do next to attack. The position of his feet, the way he held his sword, the direction he was looking; they were all key elements that only the finest of swordsmen could point out and utilize to their advantage. However, no matter how accurate Link's predictions were, it was what he would do himself after his father attacked. He was taking too long and his guard was down, and the older man saw an opportunity. Link's father rushed forward with great speed, swinging his sword sideways but keeping the flat of the blade in Link's direction so he wouldn't get hurt. This was exactly what the blonde hero predicted, but his hesitation on deciding how to either counter, evade, or block the attack cost him the battle, and he was flung to the ground before he had a chance to react. Looking up, Link glanced around at the spectators and saw a majority of disappointed and concerned faces. Those who were disappointed had clearly expected more of the Hero who saved Princess Zelda and vanquished both Vaati and Ganon on the same day. Those who were concerned had known Link for a long time, and they had noticed the way the boy's skill was rapidly decreasing recently.

The young hero's father held his hand out to his son. Link accepted the offer to help him up and was hefted to his feet.

The captain sighed. "...Link..."

"Yeah, I know. You're gonna ask why I'm not doing so well and what you're gonna do with me," Link replied before his dad could finish.

"Well, yes, but are you sure that you're feeling alright? You keep rejecting the nurses' appointments, but what if you really are sick? The other knights and I are worried about you, you know. The Princess, too."

Link paused. Zelda knew about his difficulties as well? She was the one person he didn't want knowing. "I'm fine, okay? I just need a little practice, is all. I'm still a little shaken know."

His father nodded. Everyone in the castle knew that Link didn't like discussing his great battle against the forces of evil that threatened Hyrule. Vaati was difficult enough, but Ganon was downright terrifying. Even though it was almost a year ago, he still had nightmares about it. But that wasn't the only reason he kept having sleepless nights.


Link's fists were clenched and his teeth were grinding together as he walked down the castle's halls to his bedroom. He was doing his best to maintain his composure while he made his way past guards and servants – the last thing he wanted was for the castle residents to be frightened of what the hero kept bottled up inside. That didn't stop them from giving him strange looks though.

A wave of relief washed over him when he finally placed his hand on the handle of the door, but that didn't cleanse him of the uneasiness in the pit of his consciousness. No sooner did he close the door behind him, he gripped his hair in frustration, not caring that he pushed his hat off his head. He panted heavily to the point where he thought he would pass out from hyperventilation, but his mind was elsewhere and his legs paced furiously around the room.

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