Chapter 1

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The purple clad hero slowly opened his eyes to the golden rays of a glorious morning. He was slightly dazed once he had completely woken up, for he had forgotten that he'd been sleeping on the bottom end of the bed with his other selves. Green and Red were still sleeping soundly next to him, but Blue was nowhere to be seen. His portion of the covers had been neatly folded and the space where he used to be wasn't warm, which meant that he was gone for a while. Vio wondered whether to inform the other two, but he figured he should allow them to sleep in and wake on their own. After all, it had been a hectic night.

The sharp-eyed blonde carefully stepped off the bed so as not to disturb his fellow heroes and went over to their clothes. He could have sworn that they weren't folded last night... Blue must have folded them before leaving. Either way, Vio walked over to Green's apparel and dressed himself. Once he closely resembled Link (not bothering that Zelda may notice the difference in his eyes), he dug through the bedside table drawers for some paper and a quill.

'To my fellow selves, I'm just letting you know that I've gone to discuss our situation with Princess Zelda. Green, I'm using your tunic just so that she won't freak out. I'll tell her who I really am when the time comes. Do not, I repeat: do NOT leave the room until I return. The last thing we need is people wondering why multiple Links are walking around with different coloured tunics. Don't forget that not everyone knew we were four.

Anyway, once the princess knows what's going on, I'll ask for bedroom arrangements for the four of us, and I'll also speak with our father. With Link no longer in existence, who knows what may be in store for us.


If Blue isn't back by the time you read this, I don't know where he is. He was gone when I woke up. I don't think anything is wrong though – he folded pretty much everything in the room before leaving.'


Vio sighed as he walked down the halls of Hyrule Castle. He hoped that the other two, or three depending on if Blue got back, would find his note on Blue's pillow. If they didn't, chaos was most likely around the corner. He also had to keep an eye out for Blue just in case they ran into each other with guards or servants around. Vio really didn't want to explain himself before getting to the princess.

He kept close to one side, running his hand along the smooth grey walls that made up the castle. Light was pouring in from the windows opposite him, so it didn't provide much cover in the shadows.




Vio stopped in his tracks and stared into space, repeating the word over and over in his mind. It was the one thing he'd been stressing over ever since the 'incident'. He'd never be able to forget the harrowing pain that constricted his heart and squeezed out whatever remaining happiness was left in his guilt-tripped soul. Even now he felt totally drained and empty, devoid of colour and life.

Staying hidden in the darkness wasn't the only reason he wanted to keep away from the light.

How could he ever look at it the same way? Light had always been the symbol of purity, happiness and life, and darkness was the symbol of destruction, mystery and death.

...But everything was backwards now.

To him, the darkness was a safe haven, a place to hide and wait, whereas the light revealed everything and exposed things for what they really were, be it good or bad. Light was a deceitful mercenary that could easily ruin peoples' lives, and Vio had learned that the hard way.

Vio x Shadow - Dark Luster (Four Swords)Where stories live. Discover now