Chapter seventeen

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" this paper is mainly because, you agreed you are signing your little brother over to Mrs. James, and she also promised to take you in too," Carrie explained as she shuffled through the papers in the bag.

" what if I don't want to sign my brother over to them," I asked for the thousand times, just not ready to give up without a fight.

" do you or do you not want the safety of your little brother? besides its not like you have a choice, you are only seventeen and until you are of a legal age, you have to think of what is best for your brother and give him up. It's not like he is going anywhere, he will still live with you and you will still take care of him like you have been doing, however, the law demands that we have a legal guardian for both of you, or put you guys in a separate homes, and I know you don't want that," she concluded her long speech putting her glass back on the bridge of her nose.

" okay," I agreed getting ready to sign the paper.


It has been almost two days since I got released from the hospital, and to say things are calm would be a big understatement. Josie James has taken custody of both me and my brother, but nothing changed really, because we are still living in our own house, but we still have to check in with Derek's mom once in a while.

" Em, can I go outside and play," Xavier asked as he came runing down the stairs. We were currently cleaning the living are of our house, and by we, I just mean me. Xavier has been to busy to help with anything.

"Sure you can, but can you please stay where I can see you, Mike is coming to pick you up, so he can take you out for a little while," I informed making him promise not to wonder off.

Since my return from the hospital, things have been very quit and boring. I've been dodging Derek's call all week, mostly because I didn't know what to say to him. After the visit from the DHS felicity, Derek explained everything to me. However I still couldn't get my self to face him. I felt so ashamed and stupid, because when he was doing nothing but protecting my brother and I, I've been nothing but a complete bitch to him, because I was so angry.

While I was too busy whining over my self pity and shame, Xavier walked back into the house holding non other than Derek's hand, as he pulled him along.

" hey Em, look who I found, I thought you said that...that..Mike was coming to pick me up, but this is not mike this is Derek," he said lifting Derek's hand to show me, or get his point across. Ignoring Derek's smiling face, I leaned down and picked up Xavier so I could put on his shoes! Before mike gets here.

Once Xavier was placed in the kitchen, munching on some cereal, I mad my way back to the living area, where Derek has decided to make himself comfortable on the couch. I I neared the couch, memory of the last time we occupied the couch invaded my mind, making me touch my lips, in attempt to cool the hot lava crawling up my cheeks.

" hi, sorry about dropping in like this, but I wanted to make sure you and Xavier were okay," he said looking as guilty as I felt.

"Something wrong with your phone," I asked, not ready to let go of the anger that crawled thought my body like a hot lava.

"I tried calling but you won't answer any of my calls," he said sounding defeated.

I walked into the kitchen hoping he wouldn't follow me, too bad that didn't work. Derek followed regardless of my hopes, or wishes.

"what do you want Derek?" i wasn't in the mood to play the damsel in distress as he hoped.

" I just wanted to talk is that so bad?" he asked with a smudge look on his face. i hated it when he got all cocky and conceited.

keeping my mouth shut, in fear of saying something like' you psycho mutt' I walked away towards the kitchen sink and away from his penetrating gaze that fallowed me, shooting daggers in my direction.

maybe talking isn't such a bad idea, but why give him the satisfaction of knowing that.

"Look Em, I get that.........., actually screw that, I have abselutly no ided why your even mad at me!! I mean come on, was it really that bad finding out that I'm a-"

"dog? yes it was."

"Wolf Em, I'm a wolf! god you are so childish, its like your doing this just yo drive me crazy."I stilled for a moment afraid, that he might have cought on to me, but relaxed when he left the kitchen looking like he wanted to pull his hair out. I wondered for a minute how he'd look bold, but my ADD got the best of me, and my thought went flying out the window, when I saw a black S.U.V. pull up and park right where my car should be, if Dereks brother hasn't barrowed it. How dare he-she, or they, whom ever they are. just as the door to the suv opened I got ready to tell them just how much pain didn't have size or age, when I saw the badge and gun, that accompanied them out the door.


So so so sorry will have longer chapter in just a few, I hope but vote,comment and rant out, tell me what you think, or how angry you are!!! maybe that will help speed up next update!!!! thanks guys!

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