My story «chapter 1»

106 9 7

Colleen, Josh, Avery, lily, Noah
Lily 16 Avery 18 Noah 19 Colleen 35  Josh 36
Chapter 1
Avery's Pov
Hi my names Avery I'm the daughter of Colleen and Joshua Evans, people think our families the most perfect family ever but no one knows I exist. And if you see me in the vlogs I'm just that one back background girl. Everyone know lily and Noah, but your now meeting me. Here is my story.
I hit record on the camera. "It's my birthday today. Noah got me this camera for my 15th birthday, which was a couple of  year ago. Anyway. I'm going to tell you something that I have been wanting to get off of my chest for a while. I'm a mistake. My parents viewers have forgotten about me every since Lily came. It's been 10 years since I've been put on camera the only person who cares about me now is my older brother Noah. So Noah I just want to say thank you and I love you so much. You have been my best friend my world. And for the past 13 years maybe. I love how you have tried so hard to get the camera on me. Love you Noah. Now back to my parents ever time Colleen and Josh has to go on tour I alway get left behind. I don't know what I did to be left behind. I'm what my parents call me a forgot mistake. They never planed to have me. As soon as lily was able to speak she would blame things on me. You think they would believe me but no. After lily stop telling on me witch was when she was 10 and I was 12 my parents just stopped talking to me. Now I'm just rambling on and on. This will probably be my first video and my last video.
I turned off the camera and sat on the floor. I opened my computer. And put all the footage on my computer and started to edit. "AVERY WREN EVANS COME HERE RIGHT NOW" Colleen yelled. Great moms drunk again. I closed my computer and came down stairs. "Yes mom" I said as I was clean up the beer bottles. "Don't talk to me with that attitude" she yelled. I looked over. Mom and dad were on the couch. Dad was kissing moms neck and mom had more beer bottles on the coffee table. "You wanted me" I said as I grabbed the rest of the bottles. "Yeah go get lily
From Christina's  house." I just nodded my head moved my hair out of my face. I grabbed my keys and jacket.
We got back home and I didn't see mom and dad. There probably in there room. "MOM! WHERE ARE YOU" lily yelled. " IN MY ROOM BABY GIRL!" Colleen yelled as she opened the door. I went back up to my room and finished editing the rest of my video. It was 10 pm and Colleen and Josh where down stairs. They were at it again "KEEP IT DOWN" I yelled as I opened my dresser drawer. I pulled out my onsies the only give I have gotten since I was five. I slipped in side of it and zipped it up. I grabbed a doll off of my dresser I got from my grandma. I sat on my bed and cuddle up in the blanket. I pulled up my computer from my floor. I watched the video upload.  I closed my laptop, and put it on my night stand. I grabbed my phone and put an alarm on. I got the lights and closed my eyes.

Hope you like it. Please leave feed back. I deleted my last books cause I hated them. Bye :3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2016 ⏰

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