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I'm sitting here after a conversation with what she considers "friendly"
I'm being nice- listening to all these things she's saying- do this, but don't do that
She swears she's trying to help me out but I can't help but feel she's just trying to bring me down
Friends don't do that, friends don't want to bring you down so why on earth are you saying this right now
I sit here and contemplate our friendship like many times before and I think "is this really worth it?" And I tell myself time and time again and again that I'm just over reacting that she really is trying to help
But I can't seem to get the thought out
The thought of a so called friend trying to help me out but why do her words feel like a let down
So I sit and contemplate more
In reality even if I thought we shouldn't be friends- I'd never leave hell no why waste the old and good memories when I was younger and having fun
But then I think again, people change
Maybe for the worse or maybe for the best but in this case I can't seem to rest over the countless thoughts in my head about how I feel because of her words- and how unfriendly they seem
And again I think- people come and go throughout your life
So it seems now her time has now come
I'll tell you to leave now, but I'll never forget the memories we've made throughout

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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