Chapter Eleven: Ready For Take-Off

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Harry can't believe the brother of his boss was actually a villain this whole time. "You're a super villain? And you work for the Hydra?" How could he not see the signs? Hydra, the most illustrious subversive organization dedicated to global domination....had sweet blonde Nialler on their side this whole time?

Harry isn't going to lie, he would never take Niall as one to be for anything evil. If the blonde held a gun to his head and threatened him, Harry would simply laugh and offer to bake him some cookies (which Niall would gratefully accept). 

"Plot twist for ya, huh? But what about you mister 'I've got a headache and get to take the day off' Styles? I can't believe you're the Amazing Spider-Man in disguise!" Niall looks at him with agitation and interest. 

Harry rubs his arm, getting up to fetch Niall a drink or something. He didn't like the vibes coming from him. Louis folded his hands over his crossed legs in mild interest. "So you both are on complete opposites of the hero spectrum and you work together but didn't know it. Sounds like a sitcom."

"We do it for inside information," Niall answers easily. "Besides, I still need to pay my rent like everyone else."

"Yeah, it's not like you're completely helpful in the brains department."

Niall laughs at Louis' demotion of his intelligence, making Harry raise an eyebrow. They seemed to be friends but Louis didn't seem to treat him like an ally. 

"Haha past true, Lou! That's why I didn't graduate High School. You're so right."

Harry grips the glass of juice in his hands harder than necessary as he makes his way to Niall. The hero didn't like how much Niall approved of Louis. He suggests the man calm himself down lest he deal with an angry Spider-Man on his hands. And irrational anger is the most dangerous in Harry's opinion, his being no different. Harry doesn't know where his rage is coming from.

"Thank you," the villain nods, lacking sentiment. 

"So, long have you been all evil and whatnot?" Harry asks aloud. He catches Niall's side-eye as the man sips his juice. Louis seems equally as interested with the way his stature perks up. Harry notices and moves from his earlier position to sit in Louis' lap.

The Merc, clearly caught off guard, instantly wraps his hands around Harry's waist in interest of what was in front of him. "You know, Spidey," he says monotonously, "I wasn't really much of a believer in a higher power, but now I know for a fact that God exists and I shall forever bow to Him for all that He has given me this year."

Harry rolls his eyes, looking back at the man to find him looking off in wonder. "And to think after all the people I've killed God is still willing to have mercy. Maybe he's trying to kill me in the only way he knows how."

"Anyway, Niall you were saying?"

The breath is knocked out of Harry as Louis holds him tightly.

Holding back a laugh, Niall answers, "Well I'm not really evil, I was just looking for a job and the Hydra were hiring for people to work and protect their organization, so that's what I did."

"Fascinating. So you're not completely useless?"

"Nope," he responds with a grin.

Louis whispers to Harry, "That's probably the liquor talking."

"Not all Irishmen are drunks!" Harry nudges his boyfriend harshly. Niall clears his throat.

"Well I'm not much for confirmation because I love me a pint."

"Told you."

It seems to be going much easier than expected. Harry was sure it would be awkward that Niall, his Boss' brother, would make it weird that Harry was in all actuality, the masked hero of New York City that they worked so hard to photograph. It wasn't fair of him, but it was the only way for him to pay the bills.

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