Chapter 1(Shelby's P.O.V.) Part 1

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I pulled the sheets over my head as my mother called up the stairs telling me for the second time in ten minutes to get up. "What day is it?" I thought, all the while blinking rapidly for my eyes to get used to the light. I dragged myself out of bed and sat down, my back leaning on the side of the bed. I dreaded, no HATED, Monday's. They were the worst days of the week. To me, Monday was an unlucky day, while to the rest of my family, it was another miracle day. My family consisted of five people; my older brother Austin, who is a region pianist, my younger sister Callie, who is a semi-professional ballerina, my mother, who is an all-time author, my father who is an NFL coach for the Dallas Cowboys, and me, with no talent, whatsoever. But I don't care, just means less work for me.

I stood up and headed to the small chest at the end of my bed to choose an outfit for the day. After throwing about fifteen clothing items onto my unmade bed, I decided to wear a pair of skinny jeans with a black belt, an orange knit sweater over a long sleeved white t-shirt and a pair of 2" silver ankle boots. I crossed the hallway to the bathroom and combed my thick, dirty blonde hair into a tight ponytail in the middle of my head.

Opening the door, I stepped outside the bathroom and climbed down the stairs. My stomach rumbled as I entered the kitchen, the rich aroma of bacon and chocolate chip pancakes entering my nostrils. I sat down at the kitchen table and only a couple of seconds later a plate filled with large portions of bacon and pancakes was placed in front of me. To top it off, my mom added a tall glass of OJ and a bottle of water. After clearing every last bite and swallowing every last drop, I headed upstairs to brush my teeth.

Heading down the dark hallway, I bumped into Callie. "Hey!" She said in a harsh tone. "Sorry sis', didn't see you there. Why are you up anyways?" I questioned her. "I have to go practice my recital for an hour. Can't you tell by what I'm wearing?" "No, not really." I frowned. "Hmp, well then. Now get out of my way, you're wasting my time." "Oh, sorry." I moved around her and started down the hall. Callie could be a little troublesome sometimes, but she was still my sister and I loved her.

I continued down the hallway to the bathroom to brush my teeth. We had a large bathroom that contained a separate bathtub and shower, a white porcelain trough sink atop a wooden vanity cabinet, and of course, a toilet. I grabbed my mint flavored toothpaste and my lavender toothbrush and started scrubbing. After spitting, rinsing, and applying some lip gloss, I checked the time. The clock read 7:30. The bus would be arriving in 15 minutes. I grabbed my backpack and stuffed my laptop, phone, earbuds, and binder into my backpack. I walked downstairs and kissed my mom on the cheek."Have a great day!" She said as I opened the door. "I will, love you!" I replied. I stepped out into the crisp, breezy air, the sun beating down on my back, warming my insides.

I walked down to the bus stop, spotting my boyfriend Alex from a distance. He must have spotted me too, for he waved my way. I waved back, a smile plastered on my face. Alex had a way of making anybody smile, even if it was the worst day of their life."Hey Alex." I said as soon as he was in earshot range. "Hey." he replied. "How was your weekend?" "It was great, how was yours?" I asked, kissing him on the cheek. "It was good." he replied. "Well anyways, I can't wait for Saturday." I smiled. "Me neither. I'm so excited to reveal the surprise." "Well whatever it is I know it will be amazing." Alex and I have know each other since we were babies, practically birth. We started dating last year, and sure, we've had our ups and downs, but we've made the most of our relationship and enjoyed each other. My favorite part of our relationship is our surprise dates. Each month, one of us will arrange a surprise date for each other. This is Alex's month. Soon, Ellie, Trisha, Madison, and a few other students I didn't know showed up.The bus arrived about 3 minutes later. Alex scooted in next to me, like usual, and Ellie and Madison squeezed into the seat across the aisle, as usual. We chatted the 8 minutes it took to pick up the last round and get to the school.

As soon as the bus pulled into the lot, my crew and I exited the bus and headed towards the cafeteria doors. I opened the door and entered the building, bidding farewell to my boy and Trish. Ellie, Maddie and I continued in the opposite direction, to my most dreaded class. I stopped at the door and looked up, putting my hands together in prayer. "Oh come on! Stop being so over dramatic Shelby." Maddie grabbed my arm and pulled me into the classroom with me groaning and complaining. "I don't want to go Maddie! Please don't do this to me!" She just rolled her eyes and forced me to sit down in my chair. I pouted and got comfortable in my seat, setting my bag down at my feet. Oh God, what did I ever do to deserve this torture? This, this... thing. I shivered then put on my best confidence face I could muster. Not today Math. Today, its my turn to show you who's boss. That's what I said until the bell rang and Mr.Asaki walked into the classroom, declaring a pop quiz. I felt it, the sinking in my chest. At this point, there's only one thing to say. I'm screwed.

So this is officially the first edited chapter of Life's Path. I thank all of my readers, and would love any commentary pertaining to the story or questions you have. As always, have an amazing week and stay in the loop to know when I update!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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