Chapter 3

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I still can't get Oliver out of my head nor can I get the painful 'memories' of us out of my head.

Everything seems to be getting worse. For instance; Natalie - my super bestfriend - has been diagnosed with Cancer. Who knows whether her fight for Cancer will end or not. But because of College and it's stupid revision for exams at the end of the term, i can't visit her. See thats what I hate about my mum. When something serious like this happens she'll never let me take care of it. Her stupid excuse is, ''Pay attention to College.'' Hell, I didn't even want to go to College!

A frustrated sigh escaped my lips before I had the erge to cross my arms like a spoilt child.

''Well someone isn't a morning person.'' Oli sneered.

''I don't want to talk about it, especially not with you. And anyway, why do you keep getting in my buisness?''

''What do you mean by that?'' Oliver pondered, once again still managing to pull off a smug look.

''Basically, why do you keep opening your window and opening mine with it, just to bother me? You know fine well I'm not happy with you moving here and to top it all off everything else is turning against me.'' I replied frowning.

He just shook his head before closing his window and his blinds. I furrowed my eyebrows. I needed an answer from him. I decided to pick a stone from the outside wall of my home and throw it at his window.

I heard a big thump and a rude remark before an angry Oliver opened the window.

''Rio! I was in the middle of killing a spider when you interf-''

''You're such a wuss.'' I replied before grabbing the shoe he was holding and climbing through his window.

''And what do you think you're do-'' 

''I'm killing the spider for you'' I replied in a 'duh' tone.

I began waving the shoe around trying to grab the spider and throw it outside - I don't really want to kill it. (I don't fancy seeing blood and guts right before lunch.)

''Thank you Rio..'' Oliver said right after I jumped down fromt he chair I was standing on. 

I could tell he struggled to say it. It's an awkward tension between us. I'm trying my hardest to like him but I can't tell whether Oli is to.

Maybe I just have to try and get along with him more. Maybe when he tries to speak to me through the window(you know, when he opens the windows often.) I should reply back nicely, not as stubborn as I normally do. I can't help being as stubborn as I am.



This chapter is really, really short. I guess it's just a filler. I have a couple of ideas but I have no way on wording it at all. If you guys have any ideas on what I could put next then message me and I can dedicate the chapter to you for all your nice work, haha! 

But anyway, vote for it if you like this so far and any criticism and opinions is welcome because i'm sure you lot know a lot more about story structure then I do.

well, okay i'm done on waffling. I'm going to post chapter 4 later today I should think. Either that or posting it early tomorrow. Bye! c:


I hate you, but I love you so. (Oliver Sykes fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora