Dear Dairy,

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"I'm both of your friends!" I slightly screamed and walked away finding a random table to sit at.
"Hey." A random voice said and I looked up.
"Hey?" I said back and bit my lip.
"Your Cody's friend right?" He asked and I nodded.
"Yeah...? Why..?" I asked.
"Okay, cool I'm Mikey." He smiled and sat down.
"Alex." I said.
"I'm one of his friends." Wait, Cody looked like your average dumb popular boy...but Mikey. Mikey looks like you average chill dude.
"Wait, but Cody seems like an average poplar.."
"Yeah I know~" He started to say but was cut off.
"Yo Mikey!" Cody said.
"Yo Cody!" Mikey said back.
"Oh I see you met Alex." He smiled and sat next to me.
"He sees pretty chill." Jerk! He used my word!!! That little.......mind reader!
"Alex..?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Cody.
"You okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine." I smiled and looked at him.
"Cody!" Mikey said and we both looked at him.
"Are you gay?" He asked Cody and I laughed.
"No!" He screamed.
"There is nothing wrong with it man. Being gay is chill." He said. There Mikey went again! Stealing my word! Tsk. I watched them eat and look away feeling kinda like a stalker...
"So Alex." Cody said.
"So Cody." I mimicked.
"You have health next. Right?"
"Okay." He said and finished eating.
"Wait what??" Mikey asked confused. Cody and I just looked at each other.
"Nothing!" We both said at the same time.
"YOU TWO ARE DATING AREN'T YOU!!!!!" Mikey screamed.
"No!" Cody and I said at the same time.
"But~" Mikey said.
"No!" We both said at the same time.
"Stop!" We said again at the same time.
"CODY!!" I screamed and glared at him.
"I ship you two so much!!!!!!!!!" Mikey said fangirling.
"Shut it Mikey." Cody growled. The bell rang and I got up and walked to health. I didn't exactly know where it was tho...
"Alex?" A voice said. Which made me turn around and look at them.
"Oh, hey Mikey."
"Going to health?" He asked.
"Indeed I am." I said and smiled.
"Im coming with." He said and smiled back.
"You have health next?" I asked.
"Indeed." Stealing my word again Mikey? I will get you back!
"Cool." I said and followed him. He showed me to the health room and made me sit next to him.
"Ew! Why are you sitting by him!" A girl asked. I turned around and glared at her.
"Why the heck would you care!?" I asked her and continued glaring at her.
"Because he isn't normal. Just leave him and hang out with us." She said. I could see Mikey getting really sad because of that.

Dairy of a Flat Chested GirlWhere stories live. Discover now