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Twilight POV

    "Spiiike" I called out as I stopped and saw him covered in ice cream. We has been there for me though thick and thin together. After the time traveling Starlight is back home. Now Starlight is back to her own village with her new friends makes me so happy. We always write letters and visit each other. Oh and verry soon I will be an anti because my brother Shinning armour and my sister in law princess Cadence are expecting a filly can't wait.

    "What gives and its 12pm why are you up this late do you ever sleep?" Spike triedly spook in frustration. He stood folding his arms waiting for an expernation. "Really who does that?"

"Hooo" Owlilisious explained

"Anyway remember when Trixie done those advanced spells using the Alicorn amulet"

"What is your point?"

"My point is that I could do more advance spells and been testing some that's what" I spook in ignorance.

"So why did you call me?"

"I wanted to test something now start walking towards to the end of the hall" Spike obeyed and started walking. I used my magic to stop time. With him frozen in place I levertated him to the end of hall. Then I used my magic to move time forward again.

"What happened wait how did I get here so fast because I know you didn't teleport me"

"It was just a time stopping spell that's all I learned some others but I know you need your rest so I let you get back to sleep"

"(Burp) Twilight its from Cadence "

Dear Twilight

I am inviting you and your friends along with princess Celestia and princess Luna for a get together since we never just have a occasion were Equestria is not in danger. We are going to have a sleepover: It is a mares only sleepover. Hope to see you there Shining will not interrupted and yes Spike can come to.
From Cadence
"Ok so what did she say"

"She invited us, my friends and the princesses to a sleep over"

"Just forget it I will send the letters to your friends later as soon as you get some rest" I walked to my bed and drifted to sleep.

The next morning~

We were all packed and were waiting for the train to arrive. Pinkie was jumping like she is a ballon. Note to self 'don't think about Pinkie's super powers and energy even though it's tempting'. Pinkie pie is the element of laughter after all. I kept my happy self while I wait and think. 'I do wish I was a filly again everything was so simple. I hope Cadance doesn't found out that I was so close to have my first kiss because I blow it. 'BLOW IT! why me it just love him so much and didn't have to chance to say goodbye'.

"You alright sugar cube" Applejack explained.

"Yes ever thing is just fine" I lied. She is the master of truth I hope she dosen't catch on.

Applejack raised an eyebrow "Alright then".

The trip took forever so we got into our own bed and sleep because it takes about 4 hours to even get there but all I could think about was my life it seemed like a old mares tail.

Arrival Crystal Empire~

Ther stood guards from left to right in front and behind us. We gave a bow to each other then did are song
"Sun shine sun shine ladybugs awake clap your hooves and do a little shake" we said in unison. I giggled at how fun it was.

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