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Straightening up, he takes a step towards me until he's directly in front of me

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Straightening up, he takes a step towards me until he's directly in front of me. His dark gaze staring into my soul from his six-foot frame. A shiver run down my spine. "Oh Walters," he chuckles humorously.

"Nicole!" I hear Matt yell from behind me where I had ditched him.

As Ashton bends down to meet my much smaller frame, I swallow loudly. His breath tickling my ear, I shiver. "Game on, Princess."


Nicole Walters was given a choice- four years in prison or The G.O.O.D. Boarding School Academy. Easy choice, she thought. Little does she know her officer is an enigma wrapped in a mystery and her fiancé isn't who he had said he was. Add in popular boy and roommate Justin Kellamp and you've got problems. Add in Ashton Wikes and you've got a hurricane the size of Africa. As her past begins to catch up with her, things get out of control more than ever. She doesn't know who she can trust anymore. After all, who can you trust when you barely trust yourself?

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