the final chapter

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The dance is tonight every one is going all the girls got infinity rings so everything is all good the guys rented a limo and are headed to the dance

Miel: wait
Everyone: what now
Miel: we have to take pictures
*10 minutes later in the limo*
Miel: dude that's a candy bar
Chris: ya we filled it with our own candy so,we didn't have to pay more
Ashton:Ya do you know how many houses we had to clean
Tre: how many lawns we had to cut
Chris: it was worth it for you guys tho
Miel: aww babe thanks
*at the dance miel and chris are dancing*
Miel:im so glad I came
Chris:i am to
Tre:chris u wanna dance with mya and I dance with miel
Chris: ya get to know one another *whisper to miel* it will be OK
*miel nods her head and starts dancing with tre*
Tre: so how's your day been
Miel: good
Tre: look I know I've done some pretty bad things in the past and you and mya helped me see that
*Everyone walks over*
Ashely:Hey you guys its about that that time
Marie: ya slow dance at midnight
Mya: which is in one minute
Mc: hello Westwood its time for the slow jam
Mya: let's go
Mya: did you you tell miel what I told you to say
Tre: yes and I ment it from the bottom of my heart
Mya: you better have
Mc: ten second till midnight count down
Miel: this has been a crazy year
Chris: I know
Chris: but now were here together
*Chris kisses miel*
Everyone: ....1
Ashley: they did it babe he made the kiss at midnight
DJ: dude can't believe I got that on camera
Marie: really we should tell him to use that for something very important in the future
You guys really think that's the end its not their is more to come theirs a second book and if u liked this book you will like the other book

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