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Jimin aka Notjamless kept checking the time during the flight. I was awfully nervous to finally meet his friend.
After a while he finally realised something important: What's Sunshine's real name?
Now he has to find him in the airport without knowing his face or name. Nice.

But the other said he'll take care of it...right?
Jimin was so nervous, he just wanted to scream in the face of the man who slept besides him.

At the same time Hoseok aka Sunshine waited at the exit of the Busan airplane.
He checked his watch. It was 9.47am which means Notjamless's plane has to arrive very soon.
Hoseok kept biting his lips. To be honest, he started to like the bubbly boy he met online.
The tall male quickly shook his head.
'No. Don't fall in love with a boy!'

"We arrived in Seoul. Thank you for choosing our Airline, we wish you a nice blablablablalala"
As Jimin heard this words he began to smile widely. Finally he will meet the awesome dancing boy. His big Idol.

As he walked out of the exit of his gate, he searched for the other boy but he didn't find him. How should he find him?
He waited in a corner which wasn't much crowded and waited for the most people to leave first, because he wasn't tall and couldn't see anything.

As it began ti be less crowded he started to look for the dancer again. He looked from left to right until his eyes locked with another pair of eyes. A very handsome man, around his age, cute smile and tall. He looked down the other's body to see that he held a paper in his hands.
He held it very tight, it looked like the boy was very nervous.

Jimin squinted his eyes to read what the paper said. His eyes flew wide open and he blushed madly when he read the paper. 'Jamless big butt boy'

Is THAT his favourite dancer? This beautiful boy? He walked over to the male.
"E-excuse m-me?" Jimin stuttered very shy.
The obviously taller male answered with a big heart-shaped smile "oh, yes? Can I help you?"
Jimin looked down in embarrasment before mumbling something unaudible, causing the other one to raise his brow.
"Excuse me but I couldn't hear you."

Jimin gasped when he was embraced in a tight hug.
"You look so cute!"
"Y-Yah! L-let go of me!" The orange-head blushed 50shades of red.

Why was he stuttering this much?
Why was he blushing?
And the most important..
...why was his heart beating so fast?

"C'mon you must be tired. Let's go to my dorm~" Hoseok sang happily.

They began to walk when Jimin started to talk
" Uhm what's your name?"
"Oh right be didn't tell each other yet. I'm Jung Hoseok! I'm your hope!"
He cheered while fiddling his hands in the air.

"I'm Park J-Jimin. 16 Years old, 169cm tall, Virgin, Homose-"Jimin began to talk without a stop because of his nervousness.
He just wanted that they both know each other really well but didn't realise what he was saying.

"Woah woah wait hahah! You're really nervous, aren't you?"
So..you're 16? Nice, I'm your hyung! I'm 17~"
Jimin nodded.
"Y-yeah I'm really nervous. I'm really happy to meet you, Hyung!" He send the latter a warm smile which the older gladly returned.

Hoseok then patted the midget's head before speaking again.
"Cute homosexual virgin" He teased while Jimin was almost dying out of embarrasment.

Lost Sunlight ㅡ [JIHOPE]//hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now