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After the enemy pirates allowed me to take care of Kirkland's wounded men, I returned back to my original spot. Natalya sat next to me. While she was still analysing the enemies, I was observing her hands. The injury was almost healed, but it was still affecting her capability to fight properly.

"What is it?" she asked grumpily as she noticed my staring. I cringed, hearing her annoyed undertone. "I was just... thinking," I answered, turning my sight towards my own hands. We were treated like hostages. Within five days, I had been pushed into that role which I was not used to. I was a Colonel under the orders of the King and Prince. "Oh Lord," I muttered, gaining Natalya's attention.

"Hey," some of the strangers shouted, "If you are done treating Kirkland's men, come here and take care of me and my men."

He glared at me and pointed towards his men. I stood up reluctantly. As I glanced at his face, recognition hit me. I had seen those visages one year ago during the attack in Borussia. They had tried to break into the castle and attacked the guards and the army, including me. Although I was a gentle person, these pirates made me angrier the more I thought about last years' events. I was standing motionless before the enemy crew while they watched me with confusing looks, until one of them nudged his neighbour into the ribs with widened eyes.

"So, you remember me," I whispered dangerously. No one was accustomed to my dark tone; therefore everyone was staring at me. The enemies were cringing. The aura, which surrounded me, was hazardous. I did not noticed Natalya's approaching form, "Calm down, Colonel. As much as I want to kick their arses, we cannot afford a fight in such a situation."

I turned my head, gazing into her blue-violet eyes.

Her appearance and words had a calming effect on me and within seconds, my demeanour was steadier.

I was so lost in her eyes that I forget everything around me. She stared back at me and grew more uncomfortable. My mouth formed a smile the moment I saw her blushing. "W-well," she stuttered grumpily. For me it was a lovely sound. The blonde averted her gaze towards the trees of the woods. I followed her eyes and caught the approaching figures of Gilbert and a man whom I had seen last year during the attacks. They were talking calmly among each other. My flabbergasted face showed my complete perplexity. Gilbert was talking to somebody who planned the raiding party.

Undoubtedly, I was not the only one who was surprised of seeing both of them together. Especially Kirkland's crew was shocked to see Gilbert's new companion. Kirkland himself was angry. With a grim and red face, he demonstrated how much he opposed this new acquaintanceship. "Captain Antonio Fernández Carriedo!" Arthur growled, racing towards the addressed person. "You!"

The brunette pirate smiled boldly at him, "Yes, me."

Kirkland grew redder. "What the bloody hell are you doing here? You... You attacked my men," he shouted furiously. Despite the unknown reason of their hate for each other, the rivalry between the two was obvious. Antonio's smirk turned into a grim line as he observed Kirkland closely. "Your men attacked my crew," he corrected, looking for someone behind Kirkland. His eyes met Sakura's and he immediately walked towards her. It was no secret that the man wanted to provoke Kirkland; and his plan was a success.

"Que linda... So that is the lovely mermaid," he commented with a huge grin, winking at Kirkland. "What is your name, beautiful?"

The moment we saw Kirkland's dark face, we were all aware of the chaos that would break out. Before he could harm Antonio in any way, Elizaveta and Feliks and stopped them. "Calm down!" Elizaveta screamed. "What the hell?"

No one listened as the atmosphere started to get tenser, until Gilbert showed his commanding demeanour. "RUHE!" His voice boomed through the forest, making everyone silent.

"Plans have changed," he exclaimed dominantly, "I will tell you after I have spoken to Toris." Every present stilled.

"We have a lot to discuss," Gilbert announced, taking me by the side. His bird was awake due to his master's loud outburst. His grumpy look indicated his lack of sleep; I understood the creature's feelings. It just wanted to rest and had not one chance to do it properly.

"What exactly is the meaning of this?"

"I have made an alliance," he spoke shooting quick look towards Antonio, "we are at war."

I observed him, completely confused. "What?"

"Captain Fernández Carriedo's crew had been set up by Captain Roberts one year ago. They would steal my amulet for the release of their former captain, who had been taken hostage by Roberts."

"Just like in Elizaveta's story," I muttered.

"Yes... Apparently, Roberts had been paid by Duke Edelstein to steal my necklace."


He sighed, "They want power and a war to gain the status of a kingdom. They need a sailed dragon for that certain power and we are their target."

"That means the attack last year was an attempt to steal it?"

"Ja, and they failed the task. Roberts killed their former captain and they needed to avoid any island. He informed Edelstein of Antonio's crew and not only other pirates but the military of every country, including mine, was considering them enemies."

"So they had no other choice, but to... to stay here," I murmured.

"If I include them and Kirkland in my army, they would inform us of other secrets between the Duke and their allies and fight on our side. I promised Antonio to remove his crew from official list of criminals in exchange for Edelstein's plans."

"What about Elizaveta?"

"She will certainly join us. Her father is taken hostage by Roberts and we could make a plan to free him," he answered with a concerned look.

"You really care about her."

"I-I, er, yes, I do," he admitted with light redden cheeks.

If the three crews would officially join Gilbert's army, than they would not face death by hanging. "How are you going to convince the King of your new alliances and army?"

He contemplated; a scowl adorning his visage while he was looking at the mob of pirates. "The information about Edelstein and the trading treaties between Borussia and other pirates are topics which I will certainly mention to him," he argued. His eyes fell on the silent mermaid who watched her bandaged leg. "In addition to that, I have a magical weapon and a bodyguard that would side with me. I will take care of my father," Gilbert assured me.


I hoped with every fibre of my body that he would succeed. If he would convince his father to let them live, then Natalya would be save too. "I trust you. It is for the best to tell them now," I approved, looking at Natalya. She was talking to a shaking Raivis, who was still afraid of the great amount of pirates.

After Gilbert had disclosed his idea, everyone agreed. There were no other options but this. Elizaveta's approval was uttered with a hopeful tone and a gentle smile. To Kirkland's dismay, he had to join the alliance too, becoming the ally of his rival. "Captain Kirkland, you may address me as an Admiral now," Antonio had said mockingly, enraging the blonde Captain once again.

Gilbert decided not mention the part with the magical power and the mermaid. He wanted to tell her in private.

We were all tired of this long day and prepared once again for a –hopefully– restful night. We all decided to sleep and plan everything the upcoming day. There were many open questions, such as how to get a ship, weapons and a map; but hopefully this would be taking care the next morning.


[A/N: I wanted to show a little moment where Toris is annoyed by the situation he is in, including the fact that he is facing old enemies. He is powerless despite his position of a high ranked Colonel. I wanted to express his desperation in form of a tiny outburst (dark aura~ and such). Sorry for putting all the jealous Iggy moments into the story, but I love jealous Iggy xD and everybody wants to annoy him because they like his reaction (just as I do :'D). I would say that I am half way through the story :). ]

Que linda – how pretty
Ruhe! - Quiet
Ja – Yes

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