pshh story of my life

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“Dan no i'm sorry please don’t!” he was talking about killing himself because I left him. “and why the hell shouldn’t I you don’t care you broke up with me, Sara you were the only one whose ever just loved me for me and now your just leavening me?!” he wailed pleading for me to come back to him. “Dan I’m sorry but I have to go” “but why baby I all I ever did was love you and this is the third time you have tried to break up with me I’m seriously getting sick of making one wrong move and you jumping to break up with me” “i’m sorry but this is what I need to do” “fine I guess ill never be the same ill probably turn to drugs or alcohol to escape… actually why bother why don’t I just kill myself right now to end the pain” “DAN I SWEAR TO GOD WHAT EVER YOU DO TO YOURSELF ILL DO TO MYSELF if you die so will I” “fine” he said in mock defeat “your nothing but a spoiled rotten little bitch, ha I never loved you I was always in it for the sex really I hate you, I wish you were DEAD” he screamed at me. He had no clue how every word he said killed me a little inside.

“God damnit” I cursed out loud accidently he over heard “what” “nothing don’t worry about it” “no Sara what is wrong I can tell your lying” that always bugged me he somehow knew when I was lying. “So what’s wrong” he pressured finally I gave in and told him I got blood on my bed “you WHAT!!! How the hell did you do that Sara you didn’t cut yourself did you!!” “Yes I did” I said confidently what was the point of hiding it. I was so relieved to hear another voice in the background it was his mother he was grounded from his phone for two months because he ran away. Soon the call ended as he hung up. I hoped that would be the last I heard form him that weekend I have work on Monday at 5 AM.


I slowly climbed onto the buss that would take me to my job corn detasteling. It’s really the only good job a fifteen year old can get around this small town. Bus driver picked me up by the store near my house instead of at a school because she’s my heart (not blood) aunt. It wouldn’t be that bad if it didn’t mean I had to wake up extra early and always be the first one on the bus.

The bus finally made its last stop and of coerce my best friend tiffany was the last one on. She complains the whole way their about waking up, her hair, and anything else she can think of until she realized I wasn’t listening just staring out the window “hey Sarah are you alright” “yeah i’m fine just a little tired” I lied she sees right through my lies and softly asks “its Dan isn’t it” “yeah” “what happened anyways between you two? Did you finally dump him?” I took a minute to think. Tiffany didn’t mind she just waited until I slowly answered “I broke up with him the night of the fair” and told her the whole story except the cutting part. No one could know I still did that.


What do you think i’m sorry it’s so short but i’m kinda short on time with school please comment DONT BE SHY. What do you think is going to happen with Dan? Will tiffany find out about Sarah’s cuts? Find out by reading the rest of the story when I write it!

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