first night

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Your POV
Your sitting in the office with Scott waiting for 12am to start the night...well that's what you think he said

What now?

We wait..

Wait for what


*you look at your watch* its 11:59

*bell rings*

Ready to start (y/n)


Here, take this *Scott gives you the tablet*

What's this for..?

To check the camaras *Scott walks over to the window*

Uh ok *you check the cameras* WOAH THIS IS COOL

That's how you check the camera
Oh and one more thing! Be wise with your power ok?


Alright I will leave cuz I have stuff to do

Your leaving me here?


Alright *you crack your knuckles* let's do this

*Scott leaves and drives away and you notice somethings different about the camera*

Wasn't there a bonny on stage?
*you check the dinning room*
!?! Ehehe it moved shit....*sigh

Ok ok its fine...;--;

*you look at the camera and Bonnie's is gone and he's not on any of the camera*


*you check the door and Bonnie's watching you*

EHHHHH *you close the door*

*you look at the clock* its 5:57

*you look at the camera and notice bonnie is back on stage*

Oh ok then he's ok

*bell rings cuz 6:00*


Vincent X Female Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now