•Chapter 1•

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A.N. Hey guys. this is my first Destiel fanfiction and I'm so excited!!! If you have any questions please message me!! If you'd like follow my Instagram @jensen_is_love.jensen_is_life  !! it would be greatly appreciated!! remember to vote, comment, and enjoy!! p.s. this is in the season where Cas is a human so he has feelings and so yea. just wanted to put that out there!! 😀😀

Dean's POV

     I wake up to the sound of Bobby's door knob being shaken and it sounds as if the door is gonna fall off. I put my beer on the old wood table and walk o the door, I look through the peep hole, Cas. Thank God I thought to myself. I thought he was dead. I open the door and let Cas in. I close the door with a smile and hug Cas for so long I get tired.
          "GOD!! CAS, I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!!" I say with relief and hug Cas one more time even though he is grumby and in need of a shower.

          "Dean, Can I take a shower? I feel dirty." Cas asks and I smile nodding as he makes his way to Bobby's bathroom.

         I sit on the couch turning on the t.v. as I hear the water in the bathroom run and I turn it on to channel 59, Doctor Sexy.

        I turn around to see Cas fully clean and I can't help but smirk, I don't know why, something about him. I push it away as he sits on the couch next to me. I can feel his gaze on me but I keep my eyes peeled on the screen. he keeps staring at me until I look at him then he turns his head back to the  TV right when I look at him.

           "Cas are you alright? You seem a little.. you know.. out of it." I say and he looks at me with a smile.

          "I think I'm learning about emotions, I'm feeling sadness, love, lust, happiness, and I don't know how to control them. can you help me?" Cas asks as if it's a serious question. I let out a little laugh and look back at him.

         "well. not exactly, love is different though, you can't change it and you can't push it away it's constantly there. Who do you like anyway?" I ask Cas with my eye brows raised as he looks at me and smiles.

          "I don't know. I just want to be ready for it." Cas says as I get a couple ideas on how to answer the question.

          "tell them, if you like them, go for it. they might like you back, at a perfect moment, when you feel tension with a friend, go in for a small kiss to know if they like you back, you know what I mean?" I say and he nods looking back at the TV.

I hear I small knocking on the door and I look through the peep hole again Sam, with pie, and Kevin! I open the door and grab the pie only soon realizing it's not pie.

       "um. what is this?!" I ask with furrowed eyebrows. looking at Sam, he swallows as if he's scared to answer.

        "cake, they ran out of pie." he explains but I still get mad. nothing is better than pie.

         "damnit Sammy. PIE!! not cake!!" I sit back down on the couch and I offer the pie to Cas.

         "want this cake?" I ask Cas and he looks at the Cake then back at me like I just asked a dumb question.

          "Angels don't eat," said Cas and I laugh looking at Cas again. he still has the same face on. "what?! you know this. Angels don't need to eat." I laugh even harder as he looks back at me.

          "ok. but you aren't an angel anymore!" I say laughing as I see his grin slowly appear on his face.

            "fine." He says with a cute scrunched up face that makes me smile.

I splash water on my face and exhale loudly. I grab a wash cloth and wipe the water on my face off. I look in the mirror only to see Cas there behind my reflection.

         "damnit Cas!! personal space!" I say laughing and looking deeply into Cas' dark blue eyes that shine into the bright motel bathroom light.

           "Dean, I need to talk to you about my feelings"

A.N. IM WRITING AGAIN YAYAYA!! I might update again tonight or tommorow so stay tuned!! I'm really excited for this story!! please vote, comment, and follow!!

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