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You're done, sweet! Look at the answers you recorded, then see the results below!

If you answered mostly A: You're an Alpha! Nobody pushes you around, and you have a lot of friends. Bullies steer clear of you as well. You are assertive and strong, sometimes snapping if angry. You lead the pack!

If you answered mostly B: You're a Beta! You may not be at the head of the hunt, but when the Alpha needs help, you're right there. People may go to you for advice. You're intelligent and kind.

If you answered mostly C: You're a Pack Member! You blend pretty well with the rest of the crowd, but always there when someone needs help! You may not be as popular as Alpha or Beta, but close friends are all you need to be happy.

If you answered mostly D: You're an Omega! Okay, so friends aren't really your thing, that's fine. The teachers find you respectful, and you get better grades. You are focused.

If you answered mostly E. You're a pup! You are nice and family is your main thing. You can be a little sensitive sometimes, but people are easy to forgive. You have a nice, sweet personality.

If you answered mostly E: You're a Loner! People? Don't need em'. You'd rather go on Tumblr, YouTube, or Netflix. You get fairly good grades, depends on when you went to sleep last night. You are an introvert.

So, what did you get? Let me know in the comments! (If you're tied between two, choose the one that suits you more personally.) I got Beta!

What Rank in a Wolf Pack Are You? QUIZUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum