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Hey guys, this is not a One Direction fan fiction or anything close to it. This is completely original and has nothing to do with One Direction. I doubt I will be writing any more fan fiction, but I hope you will still read this. If you see anyone stealing the story or story line, please inform me. All copyright for the writing is mine, but @ArrynLupin designed and created the lovely cover. Oh, and if you see any errors, please tell me! Thank you! I hope you enjoy the novel!

© piercingwings 2013



When you meet time's end, it happens when you least expect it. It's almost is impossible to see it coming at you like a whirlwind, or to figure out when it will happen. Your thoughts become a jumbled mess and nothing makes sense anymore. Or maybe nothing had ever made sense in the first place. It could also be that it isn't really the end at all, you can never know for sure. The journey is always rough in many ways or another, but in the end, it might just be worth it.

Like most people, I didn't take the news well. Who would when they had a hurricane tossed at them? The problem is getting through the struggles in one piece. If you would have said that I would be here right now, I would have laughed in your face. It was only a normal reaction.

Preparing yourself for the battle is something that only you can do. Sure, you can have help along the way, but in the end it's your fight. You might question yourself about what you are doing is the right thing or not.

So as I stood here, with my warrior expression, I braced myself for the battle ahead. I was ready; maybe I wasn't ready in the first place, but now I was going to win.

In the beginning, I thought the world had ended. When it really, had only just begun.



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