Chapter 5

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Mary opened the door to the library and sore a sit at a little round table it was almost in the middle of the library and she didn't really want to sit there cos she hates being the senator of attention.  But it was the only sit so she sat there. Put in her ear phones and tuned out.

Francis was siting on the other side of the library. When he sore Mary stand up and  to words the librarian. By then he couldn't stop looking at her.

"Um excuse me but do you happen to know where the class 7 since work book is" Mary asked the librarian with a neves tone.

"I would if you tailed me what year you where in"The librarian said in a rood tone

"O sorry I'm a freshmen" Mary said in reply.

"I lent it out just a few minutes ago but you could check in ill 5 or whatever it is" She said roiling her eyes at Mary.

"Thank you" Mary said kindly

"Well that's my job". She said rudely agin

Francis released that the book Mary was looking for was the one he was reading. So he walked over to ill 5 hoping to see Mary there.

When he got there he saw Mary on her tippy toes as she was trying to get a book on the hires  shelves.

"Here let me help you" Francis said as he grabbed the book Mary was trying to get.

"Thank you"Then Mary looked up to see Francis.

"Francis... Hi. I didn't know you where here. well I knew you where here just not here here.... And I'm making no sense am I?" Mary said blushing

"No I get what you mean" Francis said well laughing.

"And I throat you might want this book instead of the advance one. NOT SAYING YOUR DUMB.... Or any think just this is the freshman book... Not saying that your not smarter then a freshman" Francis said in a flushed tone.

Mary giggled and then said... "Thank you Francis"

"No problem really." Francis said trying to cram him self dawn.

"Am can I sit with you well I study because right naw I'm in the middle of the room and I really don't like being the seater of attention" Mary asked Francis.

"Shore but if I was as pretty as you I'd mack shore every one could see me"
. Francis replied with a smile.

Mary blush as she grabbed her stuff and went to sit with Francis.

Minutes after Mary and Francis where siting there and then someone called Francis from behind.

"Excuse me Mary" Francis said as he stood up and sounded disappointed.

Mary was disappointed to. she didn't want there time together to end and then this girl just came and rind it.

Francis walked toward the girl. he new who she was and he didn't want to leave Mary especially not for this girl.

It was Francis's ex Oliver and she cheated on him with his best friend at the time. And it terns out she was using Francis to get to his best friend. And things didn't work out with his friends and she's been carolling back to Francis ever sins but Francis doesn't want her back.

"What is it Oliver"  Francis took a deep breath and said disappointedly.

"You sounded like you don't want to see me or angry with me." Oliver said as her and Francis walked to the back corner.

"Waw for ones your right I don't want to see you and I am angry with you". Francis said sarcastically.

"Come on baby you know I didn't mean that" Oliver said as she throw her arms around Francis.

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