Pine Tree Contest!

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I'm gonna do the contest. But let others know if you can guys. Not forcing, just saying if you can or want to XDDDD

Anyways, as I said,it will be an OC drawing contest and you will get to pick from 15 OC's, including Rayben and Greil.

I have a fair few,but I'm only sticking to 15. But the contest will start on March 2nd so I can post meh OC's I still need to draw. If I post them early, I suggest you get started fast. But the deadline will be March 12th so that will give you ten days. But the prizes will be:

1st Place: Digital drawing of your choice, a colored drawing of anyone of your OC's full body, and a comic with an OC of your choice involved.

2nd Place: A colored drawing of anyone of your OC's full body and a comic with an OC of your choice involved.

3rd Place: A COMIC with an OC of your choice involved.

I hope these are good prizes. I might change the first prize for digital into a straight up animation request with the other things. But yeah. So if you want to enter, I'll comment and you reply saying I want to enter.

So if you do enter, tag me in the chapter saying Pine Tree Contest.

Any who, that's all for this time.
Kaze/Pines out.

One Art Book!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora