Chapter 10 : Secerts

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I woke up the next morning throwing up I don't know what's wrong with me I feel sick to my stomach and I just wanna die after I throw up I brush my teeth and do the my hygiene I'm soooo hungry so I ate like everything in the house my dads gon I guess he went to work so I call up layla and tell her what happen she's over there in less then 2 mins
Me: damn you got here fast
Layla: *hands me a stick*
Me: what is this
Layla: a pregnancy test
Me: I'm not pregnant
Layla: well we will find out now go check
I go to the bathroom and pee on the stick .... it comes out positive and I just break down crying
Layla : *comes in and hugs me* it's gonna be ok princess
Me: no it's not my dad's gonna kill me when my brother gets out of jail he's gonna kill ray the whole school is gonna be talking about me I don't even fw ray any more he a hoe as bitch cam is gonna go crazy so ima lose my best friend I can't layla I can't *crying*
Layla: listen princess ima be here every step of the way ok trust me ... we gon make this our little sercert ok
Me: ok *wipes my tears*

2 months later it's the last week of may schools over in 1 more week I'm not getting bigger so nobody knows expect layla I am Eating more and throwing up Almost every morning... ima go into my senior year pregnant... wtf me & ray do not fw each other at all he goes out with Nichole now and jewel is being distant idk what's up wit her our conversations are really short I feel like she's hiding something I know my best friend... or at least I think I do

Layla : hey princess you ok
Me: ya im making it still scared as hell but im making it my brother out of jail now and he moved to Atlanta sooo I might be good my dad works alot and my mama still trying get in my life
Layla: maybe during this time you should let her
Me: lay I'm bout to be a senior... my senior year going through this... ugh I hate it
Layla: you wanna make a appointment
Me: no... no
Layla: ok ok... you need to soon
Me: *sighs* ok
Layla: be glad it's the last week of school
Me: I ain't gonna the last 2 days
Layla: me neither fuck these hoes
Me: *laughing* crazy ass

We go to lunch and I eat everything nobody really notices because I eat slow so it's ok

First day of summer

I'm loving it the sun the heat I get to wear my bathen suit.... but not for long until I get bigger.... but idek if I wanna keep the baby but abortion Is not a option that's muder I figure when I get bigger ima tell my dad I try to talk to Jewel about it but she's always busy so I talk to Layla.
Layla: knock knock... hey
Me: *sits up in my bed* hey
Layla: your dad let me in on his way out.... how you feeling
Me: scared... shitting bricks
Layla: *laughs* at least you not showing
Me: ya... I try to tell jewel but she's always busy
Layla: she'll come around now get up u have a appointment

I get dress and we had to the doctor.... he says I'm 3 months pregnant he's surprised I'm not showing o lawd after we leave we go eat at McDonalds I order a lot I wanted more but layla said I shouldn't eat so much we go back to my house to eat Jewels there at the door
Me: hey
Jewel : hey ... can we talk
Me : ya wassup

We go in the house and sit
Jewel : I know im wrong i know but he came to me
Me : what are you talking about
Jewel : jordan we been messing around but I love tae so much and i dont wanna hurt him
Layla : then leave jordan alone
Jewel : me & jordan have been messing around sense 9th grade
Me : and I'm just now finding this out
Jewel: see at first it wasnt really nun he waa my best friend ya no them we started liking each other w.e w.e w.e but then i liked tae too but with me and jordan its idk ... we cooled down after i started dating tae and he started datimg liah thats why i was so pissed when he was cheating on liah
Layla: but u was still fwh
Jewel: not like that a few months ago probably ehh around valentines day he came to my house and brought me chocolate and we fucked ... i think liah found out that's why she became distant then was saying stuff
Me: so you mean to tell me ... Jewel I can't wrap my head around this you got me thinking liah being fake when you was fw her nigga
Layla: that's messed up jewel
Jewel: *sighs* I know
Me: well sense everybody putting they secrets out I'm 3 months pregnant
Jewel: stop lying just to make me seem better
Layla: nope shes serious we went to the doctor today
Jewel: why didn't you tell me
Me: because you were beinf distant and always busy jew
Jewel : I'm sorry I was a bad best friend
Me: it's ok

Weeks went on Jewel stopped fw Jordan and got right with tae Layla and Brandon always arguing but it's nothing but love cam is still my best friend and now the day has come and my stomach is getting bigger I knew this day would come and I hate it with all my heart Layla comes to my house with me and coaches me through it we get my dad and sit down
Me: dad I have some news I don't know how your gonna take this but....
Dad: your pregnant... aw shyleah why I could tell by all the food going down and the throwing up I just didn't say anything I wanted you to tell me
Me: wel I'm almost 4 months ... I'm sorry dad I didn't know it was gonna happen I didn't mean for it to happen
Dad: just promise me you will talk to your mom about it you will finish high school and still go to college
Me: talk to her... why
Dad: shy... princess I can't handle this alone she will know what to do *hands me her #*
Me: *sighs* ok dad

I call and it goes pretty well other than her crying which was annoying like stfu she gave me some tips and wanted to no when I was due which is begin of December she talking about she gon come ummm negative she really not anyways I only got a month & a half left of summer so ima live it up


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