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"Who are you?" I asked trying to escape his firm grip..

"I'm zayn. Please stay still I need to get you cleaned up!"

"No leave me alone.  Let me die in my own misery please" I demanded as I made yet another failed attempt to get out of his grip. 

"Cummon, let go !" He instructs firmly as he pulls me up and guides me off the pier.

" where are we going?" I asked with my voice cracking once again.

"To the hospital" he replied sharply.

What ?? The hospital!! My heart dropped to my stomach when I heard that. It meant stray-jacket,  isolation, me deepest and darkest secrets being exposed. It meant the world seeing me for who I really am. It meant me being forced to speak to people. What if I got bad news? What's would my parents say.  The thoughts were all to overwhelming. So I ran. I ran and ran and ran. It felt like ages before I was tackled to the ground.

Still unable to find my words I look up and see zayn grabbing my arm firmly.

"P...Pl. ..please d...d...don't ma....k..ke mm..m...me g...g...go" I stuttered with tears rolling down my cheeks.

" okay than I'll just take you home to your parents and tell them what happened" he said sternly

"N..n..no, t..th...they'll k..k..kill m..m..me" I said with tears blurring my eyes. " I. ..P. ..Pro...promise I'll stop" I begged for mercy as I felt his grip fasten.

He held me against his chest and calmed me down to the point of where I could start talking again.

" I don't wanna go to the hospital because I know that my parents won't understand and I'll be screwed for lifetime.  Please let me fight it on my own?" I asked once again.

"You'll never be able to fight it in your own. You're gonna need some support..."


He looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. I could see that he tried to be firm with me.

"So here's the thing, if I don't take you to the hospital now, everyday I will get harry and zen to literally seach your body for new cuts and if there is even one new cut you are going to the hospital."

" fine . Fair enough " I agreed...

But little he did know that they couldn't care any less and they are the reason I am in this mess.

So zayn took bought for me Jonny Bravo's for a meal.  I really didn't want to eat but after getting repremanded once for not eating I decided it was best to shut my mouth and just swollow the food. So as we were eating zayn went though some rules;

1) no cutting.  To make sure of it zen and harry would check my arms everyday and zen would check my thighs and stomach.
2) 3 healthy meals a day. Zen and harry had to make sure if that
3) no isolation. Any signs of isolation meant the hospital.
4) zayn had to know every signal grade for every single assignment and test. Grades going down meant depression which meant hospital.
5) phone had to be on all day everyday
6 ) zayn would call everyday to check up in me and nd I had to answer. 

Clearly I did not take any of these rules seriously because no one cared anyways. So zayn ensured that I reach home safely and get some sleep...

Of course I cried myself to sleep. I knew no one cared . I though to myself that it would be so embarrassing for people to see my cuts but it would be so nice to have someone check up on my so intensely so regularly. Maybe that's what I needed and wanted. But I knew it wouldn't happen. Everyone have up on me a long long time ago, and with that I drifted off in to the vast lala land of nothingness. ..

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