track eight.

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FOR YOONGI, SLEEPING felt a lot like drowning. You took in a deep gulp of air before diving into the abyss of sleep. But then that breath was being knocked out of you with such force that everything became hazy; you can't tell up from down, right from left.

And then you were drowning in the darkness. Unknown to yourself of where you were, what was going on, or even who you are.

That terrified him.

He didn't like drowning. Hell, he barely liked the beach. So when he started drowning in his own dreams, the terror he felt was unimaginable. But there was no way out of it – Yoongi was trapped inside his own mind.

There was no way out.

He was drowning.


hEY IM GONNA BE UPDATIN ON FRIDAYS TOO bc ambia made me so ur welcome

- kat

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