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Mr. Matthews looked up. Something was wrong. There was nothing but two scrapes on the steel reinforced bunker door. Where was the body?

Considering the incredible speed with which he moved, James was probably already on his bike by then.It seemed impossible that someone, lacking the ability to manipulate time, would be able to move with such speed. When in danger though, primal instincts take over and the body bends the laws of physics, as well as itself, to survive. This was exactly what had happened here.

James was off on his bike. Down the hill and around the corner. As he made the turn, he involuntarily turned back to catch a glimpse of his pursuers and was relieved to see that there were none. Even so, he kept pumping his legs, they could be out at any second and if such little knowledge on a matter unknown could cause a father to attempt murder upon his own son, these people meant business.

But why would a father want to kill his son? Who was that man? What were they talking about? What was his father involved in and why would he need such a gun?
These were all questions racing through James' head. These thoughts were cut short by the sight of a beautiful figure. James clutched the breaks hard and came to a skidding halt.

"What took you so long?" Hannah questioned with a frown.
"My dad tried to kill me."
"What on earth did you do now?" She joked.
"Oh, like for real my dad took a shot at me with an actual gun." He looked completely serious.
"Of all the stories you boys tell when you're late, this is the most absurd." Hannah laughed... then stopped abruptly. James had no trace of expression on his face and, now, Hannah belived him.
"But why?"

James did not get a chance to answer the question. The unmistakable roar of a V12 was suddenly so close. They turned and James' heart sank.
It was an Aston Martin Vanquish. From the sound, he guessed it was a 12 cylinder twin-turbo with titanium exhaust and the smoothness of the gear changes implied an automatic.
This was not the problem though, the problem was that he had seen this car before. Just as he was leaving his front porch, he took a glance at it and guessed that it belonged to the strange man. He did not, however, guess that this would be the vehicle that would carry out the hunt.
Right now, James regretted stopping. He did not regret staying on his bike though,and was glad that Bae had chosen to do so as well.
"Move!" He commanded and they pushed.

The bike felt light. It was an Abici DB-9 equipped with seven gears and spring suspension for the corners. Hannah's was not bad either and, as she was a strong athelete, James did not have to worry about her keeping up. Even with all this on his side, James could not see himself escaping the speed of those 745 horses(this vanquish had a 745 horsepower engine with enough torque to turn the globe 3.7325 times). He would have to outmanoeuvre the beast.
The couple rode with speed to the Kings Road intersection, James whispered something to Hannah and at the last possible second, they veered right with force. The driver was not expecting this and missed the turn completely.
James and Hannah did not slow down though. If anything, they sped up.
The couple had walked to school together for as long as any of them could remember. Sometimes they explored the surrounding neighbourhood and by now they knew every turn within a two mile radius of where they stood. They knew that there were many other ways to join this road once more and the Aston would definitely discover one.
As they had thought, the car was on their tails once more and getting closer. They made a quick turn once more but this time, the driver was expecting it and did same. The turn took them out of the suburbs and onto the main road. It ran along the riverside heading towards Milton Keynes. This was not good. The road was a long stretch of tarmac that went on forever with no hint of ending. Speed was all that mattered here and frankly, the couple just did not have it.
Looking back, James saw the streak of carbon fibre and aluminium heading towards himself and Hannah and decided that this was not going to end well.

"Hannah," he yelled over the bellow that apprached," they aren't after you. Just go over to the sidewalk and slow down. They won't hurt you."
"But they'll hurt you."
"They can't,"he replied with a smirk," I'm a boss."

She smiled and turned off the road.
James already had the maneuver planned out in his mind. The trouble here was how to get it from his mind, through the bike and onto the tarmac.
He tensed himself. With bent knees and breathing exercises learnt at swim meets, James pulled will all his might on the brake handles and turned hard.

'It was at this moment that James knew...h'd f***ed up.'

James was trying to turn around swiftly and ride on going right by the car. However, he had underestimated the highly trained driver. At the last moment, the driver drifted leftwards letting the tail end of the Vanquish gently clip the back end of the bike; at least it felt gentle to him. The bike went into a skidding spiral then dropped side ways onto the ground, it spun a few more times with the poor boy still on it and flew into the road barrier. Crashing through the barrier, the bike, and boy, fell the twenty feet into the water.
The bike was alone now. It floated on the top of the calm river. At least the two pieces of it did. James was nowhere to be seen.

The car came to a skidding halt. Mr Matthews got out. The unknown man stayed in the car. James' father took out the glock once more and fired about a dozen shots into the river at the point where he had seen the bike hit the water. He walked back over to the magnificence that was the Aston Martin Vanquish and got in. The boy was dead. He could move on now.

My Father My HeroWhere stories live. Discover now